🔥NSFW🔥Let the shenanigans begin...with corrected link!

Jun 09, 2022 5:16 pm



I followed my host, not in the least bit dissuaded from learning what made Brooke’s eyes shine, her breath catch, her heart skip a beat and her sex to pulse with need.


imageLittle, Big, it doesn't matter. The only label I care about is 'Mine'.

Of all the times I might expect to find a sweet, beautiful woman at my feet, patrolling the grounds of Rawhide Ranch isn't one of them.

And despite her claims that she isn't a Little, the moment she looks up at me with those wide, innocent eyes, I know there isn't anything I won't do to make her mine. She wants to be Big? Fine. Rawhide has plenty of ways for a Daddy to make even a Big girl cry for mercy and then beg for more.

But even as we live out our wildest fantasies, I can feel her holding back. One way or another, I'm going to convince my girl to accept happily ever after on our terms, and no one else's.

His hand came around, thick fingers weaving through my curls to fist them as he kept me exactly where he desired and that was where his lips could plunder mine until we both needed air.



“This smells incredible,” Lawson said after I’d finally slid into the chair he’d pulled out for me.


“Thank you, I hope you like it.”


“I do,” he confirmed a few minutes later after finally putting down his spoon.


I decided that either he really, really liked it as he had two bowls of chili and three pieces of cornbread, or he was one big fat liar. Considering I couldn’t discern an ounce of fat on his body, I went with the first option. Thinking to return the compliment, I blurted out, “I have dick! I mean I love dick—”


You know how they say silence is golden? Well, let me tell you, this silence sounded as loud as the millions of gallons of water going over Niagara Falls. Two faces stared at me as if I’d suddenly sprouted a second head while the chief gave me a slow, sexy grin before leaning forward and whispering, “Good to know.”




If I lived to be a thousand, I’d never be able to figure a way to delicately pull my foot from my mouth on this one. Still, I did the best I could.


“I mean I like dick… no! Not dick! Wait, it’s not the kind of dick you are thinking about… though I’m sure you’ve eaten it a few times at least.”


“Brooke!” Moira gasped, her face going as red as I was sure mine was.


“Take a deep breath,” Jagger said, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. When I obeyed, he nodded and repeated the order until I’d taken three deep breaths and my heart no longer felt as if it were going to beat out of my chest. “Now, try again.”


Nodding, I took a fourth breath just in case and then sighed deeply. “It was supposed to be in your honor, Lawson,” I began. “You were kind enough to want to try one of my favorite meals from Texas and I wanted to return the favor. So, I went online and got the first dessert recipe that popped up as being a British treasure. Believe me, I was surprised to learn there was one named, spotted dick,” I said emphasizing the correct name of the dish I’d spent hours preparing. “I’ve never actually eaten dick… I mean not ones with spots before…” Looking around the table, I finally just lost it. I must have sounded a bit like a loon, giggling like a complete fool, because I heard a chair scrape across the floor and then I was lifted out of my chair and into the arms of my guest. Once again I was face to face with him, very much aware of his body against mine. It was like I’d never been held by another man before.


“Breathe,” he said, mimicking Jagger.


Once I’d repeated the entire humiliating exercise, I gave a last laugh and shook my head. Deciding I might not ever get another chance, I reached out to cup his face in my hands and bent forward thinking to place a quick peck on his lips. Just as he had earlier in the day, his hand came around, thick fingers weaving through my curls to fist them as he kept me exactly where he desired and that was where his lips could plunder mine until we both needed air.


Breaking apart, I lifted my fingers to my lips, knowing they had to be swollen yet already missing the heat of his.


“I’d love some dessert,” he said, and I could have kicked myself when I realized I could have saved myself a ton of humiliation if I’d only used that “D” word instead of the one I’d blurted out. Still, it might not have ended in a soul-searing kiss if I had.

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