🌹Red Hanky Club 🌹 Fire update
Jan 09, 2025 6:37 pm
Our hearts are with everyone affected or impacted by the fires. I'm sure we all know at least one person in evac zones or that have possibly suffered a loss.
That being said, we are still on for Sunday and expect a cozier group of about 30-35 to show. Let's love and hug all in attendance on Sunday and make sure each person you play with is doing okay. I love you all and will see you this weekend.
Our Play Parties Are The 3rd Sundays Every Month! But will be a week early in January as the floors at Sanctuary are being redone.
January 12th, 5:00 pm - On Sale Now!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The January play party will be 2nd Sunday as the venue is getting the floors redone on our normal weekend.
Visit Our Supporting Sponsors and Thank Them!