Elizabash Sign - Up

May 18, 2024 5:28 am

Good Evening Redemption Valley Church,

As promised we have the Elizabash sign up ready by Friday :)

Please check out the slots that are open and sign up yourself and/or your family.

Pastor Jim & Leda will be there the whole day so don't be intimidated, we won't leave you alone :).

We will need help with making the name of Christ known in Elizabeth, passing out tracks, face painting, Redemption Valley Church stickers, and otter pops.

Click below to sign-up:


See you Sunday,

Pastor Jim & Leda

"Those who have never been told of Him will see, and those who have never heard will understand" Romans 15:21


Live Stream: https://redemptionvalley.portal.vivomeetings.com/conf/call/65670976


YouTube Channel - Sermons are posted by Monday at 8am


