Daily Devotion - Jan 24th

Jan 24, 2025 4:44 pm

Occasionally I throw out ideas of what will happen in the next six to twelve months. And I am typically off in my predictions. Even so it is fun to consider the future and all the possibilities of what could happen. The apostles considered who Jesus was and what He could see in regards to the future. They asked the question we all would ask., “What will be the sign of Your coming at the end of the age?”

Kindly, Jesus is specific in His response. His ongoing mission of expanding the kingdom to every ethnic group is spoken of in verse 14. How exciting that statement is for us. The expansion of the worldwide gospel to every tribe is being accomplished in our lifetime.

The disciples loved Jesus. The more time they spent with Him the more they loved Him. Of course they would want Him to return sooner than later. Yes, the day of Jesus return is rapidly approaching. I believe the best preparation is “Time with Jesus.” Set aside time daily to commune with your savior and be prepared for His return.

