Today's Devotion - January 27th

Jan 28, 2025 3:56 am

How many times have you been surprised by an answer to a question that came from a very unlikely source. I bet Kindergarten teachers are surprised at the beginning of each year thinking, “I didn’t expect that from a five-year-old.”

Luke had to feel the same way. He didn’t expect to mention centurions so much in his account of Jesus in Luke and his account of the church in Acts. Where did this centurion get such clarity on reality when he recognized Jesus as the Son of God? Only God himself can give such clarity and truth.

As I go through the scriptures this year, I find the clarity of scripture increases my own clarity. Scripture reading each day is like building a foundation of stone for the events of the day. It gives stability when challenges come. It gives confidence when attacks ensue. If we would have the same clarity as the centurion each day as we face life curve balls, I believe we would also experience the greatest human response to seeing God in all He does, and that response is worship. As you read the scripture you are both building a foundation for the day, and preparing your heart to worship your creator. May your eyes be filled with the awe and wonder as you see God in His word today.

