This Week @ Redemption Valley Church

Jul 27, 2024 12:23 am

Good Evening Redemption Valley Church,

We are looking forward to gathering this Sunday to worship our Lord and Savior together. I will be preaching on Titus 3:1-7 Living the New Life. This is our last week at the American Legion Hall before we begin meeting at Legacy Academy on August 4th. Directly after service we will head to the Ranch for Lunch and Baptisms. Plan on Lunch Starting at 11:30 and baptisms will follow. The Marshall's will be providing Brisket. Kimbriels will provide drinks (Iced tea/Lemonade/Water) and Mac-n-Cheese.


1405 Private Road 130

Elizabeth, CO 80107


We are MOVING!! Starting August 4th we will begin meeting at Legacy Academy in the Cafeteria.


Tomorrow (Saturday July 26th) - Men's Group Biblical Approaches to Life's Issues

Meetings are every other Saturday Morning 7am

Biblical Approaches to Life's Issues.

If you haven't attended yet, try to find time to do so. This is a great time to bring your questions about difficult life situations and learn what the bible says on the topic. Practice applying God's word to real life situations, so that when your life turns upside down you know what God's word says.


Wednesday Nights Connection Group 7-8:30pm

Stop in every week or just once in a while and stay connected, pray for one another, and dive deeper into the previous weeks sermon. Kids are welcome.


Baptism's July 28th After Service at the Ranch


Women's Bible Study Will Resume in the Fall

Women's weekly bible study will resume in the Fall. As the decision on what to study in is being made, we would like to hear what you are interested in. Reply to this email to make any women's bible study requests.


Pastor Jim

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LiveStream starting at 9am on Sunday Mornings at:

