Redemption Valley Church - Update

Jun 06, 2024 5:04 am

For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Colossians 2:1–3

Good Afternoon,

It has been a few months since we have sent an update and we wanted to let you know how thankful we are for your prayers and support. On February 2nd we had our first meeting of the people that could be part of Redemption Valley Church. At that meeting we presented the need for more churches in the Elizabeth area. We talked about the future that is possible when people encounter God’s word. Now, after a few months, we have gathered for Sunday worship 17 times. Each week we Worship together, take Communion, and share a meal. We have celebrated our first Baby Dedication on Mother's Day. I am so grateful for how well it is going. We have a strong core of people dedicated to following Jesus. Each week I look forward to our meetings knowing God is blessing our community. God brought to my recall the verses above. They describe what I see happening every week as we care for one another. Our hearts are being knitted together in love.

Starting a church requires so much effort and planning. I am grateful for Leda and all the countless hours she puts into making sure our services have music and order. I am grateful for the many hours Jim Wood has put in making sure we have a web presence that communicates our ministry well. I am also grateful for the Evangelical Free Church Rocky Mountain District that cares so well for Leda and me.


Each Sunday we meet at 9am to Worship and share a meal.


We have implemented a new email communication system. Currently you are not registered for this, so please click HERE so you don't miss out on any future communication. (If you received THIS email you are already registered)


Our first Life Group is meeting on Wednesday Nights. Currently we are covering Relationships but in the Fall we will switch over to discussing the Sermon. All are welcome. We hope to have a life group every night of the week as as the church continues to grow.


Saturday Mornings, Pastor Jim leads a men's group where they discuss Biblical Approaches to Life's Issues.


The women's bible study was a great success. We had 7 women participating and look forward to resuming in the fall.

I often ask others what they are looking forward to. Personally, I am excited every Sunday knowing God is going to meet with us through the worship, the word, communion and our shared meal. I anticipate God’s work each week. From the beginning there has been a clear demonstration of God’s Spirit in

our gatherings. I pray for God’s favor and blessing on each member of our body.

As summer approaches we are looking at some very fun gatherings. This Saturday we will be sharing the gospel and the vision for Redemption Valley Church at the Elizabash in town. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it includes a parade and street vendors. We are hosting a booth and plan to pass out tracks, stickers and otterpops. Leda and I are also planning a two to three day discipleship camp for our kids in the church in late June. We are planning a Baptism Celebration as the weather warms up since it will be outside.

This past week we have started a new Summer Series called Holy Living in the Midst of Cretians, this is a deep dive into the book of Titus. This Sunday I will be preaching on A Well Run Church- Elders, Shepards and Overseers. You can find any of our sermons on YouTube HERE.

This fall we are looking to begin meeting at a local charter school. If you could please join us in praying for:

  • Redemption Valley Church to reach our community for Jesus.
  • Pray for our church to be salt and light in the lives of children in our community.
  • Pray for us to bless our town as we participate in the Elizabash.
  • Pray for our love to grow more and more for one another.

Thank you for your continued support.

May the Lord Bless You,

Pastor Jim Kimbriel




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"Those who have never been told of Him will see, and those who have never heard will understand" Romans 15:21


Live Stream:


YouTube Channel - Sermons are posted by Monday at 8am

