Today's Devotion - January 28th
Jan 28, 2025 5:39 pm
The popular slogan “Question Authority” strikes at the root of God’s good plan. Is it prudent to question all authority? Certainly not. All human led institutions have flaws, but that does not give us freedom to undermine those authorities. Our governmental system fosters a sense of rights and privileges. As a kid I grew up watching The King and I. I was so impressed by the scenes where the King would be in the room and everyone would bow in recognition of his authority over them. I have traveled to Thailand many times, and they still hold the king in high regard. At the beginning of every movie shown at the movie theaters you are required to stand to honor the king and if you do not you can receive imprisonment for disrespecting the monarch.
Now imagine not standing for the one who has the authority of all the world leaders and all the heavenly beings and all authority everywhere. In Jesus resides all authority. In Him is the perfect exercise of that ultimate authority. Could you submit to that authority? Is it wise to question Jesus’ authority? Remember, Jesus has one purpose, and that is to bring Himself glory. As He fulfills that purpose, He also works all things out for your good. We experience His good care every day.
Jesus kindly looks on us and sees hearts that struggle with submission. Take time today and ask the spirit to reveal the areas of your life that are not under Christ’s control. Then ask Him to draw you into full submission in all areas of your life.