🐢🐢 my 2 favorite turtle sayings

Feb 15, 2022 5:57 pm

Hello from your favorite slow poke!

(Maybe not your favorite, but I'm at least one of your favorites, right?)

Thank you so much for your fun responses to my horse drama story last week. I'll update you on the saga as it develops! 😉

Ordinarily I have an email sent out to you before the rooster crows on Tuesday mornings, but today I'm late.

Late. If the last couple weeks of my life had a theme song, that would be its title.

But I'm okay with it. Mostly.

In times like these, I try to remind myself that we all have limitations. Some, we carry all the time. Others, we're carrying right now but one day we'll be able to set them down again. Whatever our unique limitations are, and however much they slow us down, they can't stop us entirely.

(Are you wondering where the turtle sayings come in? Well, we're almost there.)

I love turtles. I had a pet turtle as a kid. My adulthood dream is to adopt a rescue tortoise. I also like the fables and symbolism about turtles, and how they represent overcoming challenges with dignity or how being patient can help you harness the power of passing time.

You already know the one about the tortoise and the hare, but here are two more you might not have heard yet:

  1. A turtle only moves forward by sticking its neck out.
  2. If you ever see a turtle on a fence post, you know it didn't get there by itself.

So I'm going to focus on the goal rather than the risks, lean on my friends, and move forward at whatever pace I can manage right now.

Do you have a favorite quote or adage? It doesn't have to be about turtles! Or just let me know how your week is going. Good or bad, I'd love to know.


