Day 4: Reset Your Life Challenge

Mar 30, 2021 8:15 pm

Hey, hey!

Alright! We should be gaining momentum now! Yesterday we talked about making vision boards and how to embed you vision inside of you. Deep in you!

Yesterday's featured audio

If you weren't able to do the vision board -- DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU'RE BEHIND! To be honest I haven't made my vision board for this year either. But that's because I want it to be intentional and not random images on a board and I also moved into a house which was a big transition for me! So, more vision planning is on the agenda for next month!

The point is - Progress is better than perfection. At the very least write those goals out every day. That's a HUGE win if you do that for 7 days!

Now, if you missed how these two steps helped lead me to literally discover my purpose, check out my Instagram page!

How the steps from Day 3 changed my life!

TODAY'S CHALLENGE is to now make a plan to make visible progress towards your number one goal. All I want you to do today is to choose that goal and choose the tangible, visible outcome that you will produce.

If you read my instagram post from above, when I implemented these steps for the first time, my first step was to get tickets for the NEXT conference.

This is important because it gets the ball rolling and momentum really takes off from there.

Listen today's audio and I will talk with you again tomorrow for the last day of our challenge!

Today's featured audio

Rashida Jackson

Host of the Pursuing Purpose Podcast

PS I challenge you to share with me on IG what your two week goal is! Let's keep each other accountable!
