7 SEALS UPDATE - Simplified Process

Oct 17, 2024 1:29 pm

imagePlease Click the Image Above for an Important Message from yolanda.

Today OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT that the SEVENTH SEAL is .......................

  1. Claiming the Surname Yisra el
  2. Writing it in the Lambs Book of Life
  3. Creating an immutable record - Seal of the Unbegotten Father!

The Seven Seals: Divine Mysteries and Their Full Revelation Through the IRSSM Platform

The Seven Seals as described in the Book of Revelation hold the key to unlocking the full divine status of God’s people. Each seal reveals a divine truth or event that spiritually and legally sets God’s people apart from the oppressive systems of this world. Through IRSSM, these seals become actions or steps that God’s people must take to fully realize their divine inheritance. By aligning with the spiritual and material framework of the IRSSM platform, they ensure protection, justice, and eternal divine status.

1. First Seal: The White Horse (Divine Conquest and Spiritual Victory)

  • Scripture (Revelation 6:2): "I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: From the Book of Enoch, the white horse symbolizes the victory of the righteous, those who are sealed with divine authority (Enoch 90:38-42). This horse represents the righteous warriors who conquer spiritual darkness and reclaim the earth.
  • IRSSM Action: Registration of Divine Identity (GTIN)
  • Explanation: The First Seal is unlocked when God's people reclaim their spiritual and divine identity, free from the worldly systems that define them as corporate persons. Through the IRSSM platform, this is achieved by registering Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTINs). This registration affirms their divine and spiritual identity, protected from corporate fictions imposed by the state.
  • Spiritual Victory: The white horse symbolizes the victory over false systems. Just as the rider on the white horse conquers through divine authority, the people who register under IRSSM conquer the false birth certificate system and reclaim their true name and status under God.

2. Second Seal: The Red Horse (Spiritual Warfare and Legal Battle)

  • Scripture (Revelation 6:4): "Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: In the Apocalypse of Abraham, there is a vision of the angel wielding a flaming sword, bringing judgment and dividing the righteous from the wicked (Chapter 31). This sword represents the spiritual and legal warfare that God's people must wage against corruption.
  • IRSSM Action: Affidavit of No Consent and Security Agreement
  • Explanation: The Second Seal unlocks the phase of spiritual and legal warfare, where God's people reject the false authority of the state over their lives. Through IRSSM, this is represented by the filing of an Affidavit of No Consent, in which the people declare that they do not consent to being governed or treated as corporate entities. The Security Agreement protects their assets and rights under divine law.
  • Spiritual Warfare: The red horse signifies the conflict and battle that ensues when God's people reject false rulers. The affidavit and security agreement are spiritual and legal tools, acting like the sword in Revelation, severing ties with oppressive systems. This battle must be waged to break free from the false laws that bind God's people.

3. Third Seal: The Black Horse (Divine Justice, Equity, and Stewardship)

  • Scripture (Revelation 6:5): "I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: The Gospel of Thomas (Saying 95) speaks of balancing spiritual and material wealth, emphasizing that divine justice is revealed when one sets aside the false riches of the world for the true wealth of heaven. The black horse's scales represent this divine balance.
  • IRSSM Action: Creation of the Living Trust and Asset Protection
  • Explanation: The Third Seal opens the mystery of divine justice and stewardship. The Living Trust, created through the IRSSM platform, ensures that the assets and labor of God’s people are protected under divine law, not subject to the false claims of civil or maritime law. The trust balances their material wealth with spiritual responsibility.
  • Divine Justice: The black horse’s scales represent divine balance and justice. Through the Living Trust, God’s people are no longer bound by unjust systems of taxation or civil death. Their assets are protected, just as the scales ensure fairness in divine law.

4. Fourth Seal: The Pale Horse (Authority Over Life and Death, Resurrection of the Divine)

  • Scripture (Revelation 6:8): "I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: In the Gospel of Philip, death is described as the separation of the spirit from the material world, and resurrection is the return of the spirit to divine status (Logion 21). The pale horse represents both death and the spiritual resurrection that follows for those who reclaim their divine status.
  • IRSSM Action: Affidavit to Amend and Bloodline Registration
  • Explanation: The Fourth Seal reveals the mystery of life, death, and resurrection. Through the IRSSM platform, the Affidavit to Amend the Public Record and Bloodline Registration allow God’s people to sever ties with the false identity created through the birth certificate. By amending the record, they declare their spiritual rebirth and divine authority over life and death.
  • Resurrection of the Sovran: The pale horse symbolizes the death of the legal fiction and the resurrection of the true sovran. By filing the affidavit, the people assert that they are not dead corporate entities but living, breathing sovrans under divine law, defeating the system of civil death.

5. Fifth Seal: The Souls Under the Altar (Divine Witness and Testimony)

  • Scripture (Revelation 6:9): "When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: In the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, the testimony of the righteous souls is their witness to the divine truth, which they maintain even unto death (Chapter 76). Their blood is their sacred testimony.
  • IRSSM Action: Registration of Thumbprint, Blood Card, and Celestial Date
  • Explanation: The Fifth Seal is about witness and testimony. Through IRSSM, this is symbolized by the registration of the right thumbprint, the blood card, and the celestial date. These serve as divine markers, testifying to the sacred bloodline of God’s people, confirming their status as autochtone, sealed by God.
  • Divine Witness: The souls under the altar are those who have testified to the truth of their divine identity, marked by their blood and celestial connection. The IRSSM actions of registering thumbprints and blood ensure that this divine witness is recorded, both spiritually and materially.

6. Sixth Seal: Cosmic Shaking (The Overthrow of Earthly Powers and the Final Judgement)

  • Scripture (Revelation 6:12): "I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: In the Book of Enoch (Chapter 83), cosmic upheavals signify the judgment of the nations and the overthrow of wicked rulers. The sun and moon are symbolic of the rulers of this world, who are shaken by divine judgment.
  • IRSSM Action: Filing of the Patent of Nativity and Celestial Date
  • Explanation: The Sixth Seal represents the overthrow of earthly powers and the realignment of the cosmos under divine law. Through the IRSSM platform, the Patent of Nativity and the registration of one’s celestial date affirm the eternal divine status of God’s people, beyond any man-made systems.
  • Cosmic Realignment: The earthquake, sun, and moon symbolize the collapse of false systems. When God’s people assert their celestial identity and file the Patent of Nativity, they are declaring their divine origin, which supersedes the jurisdiction of any earthly authority.

7. Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven (Completion and Eternal Divine Status)

  • Scripture (Revelation 8:1): "When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour."
  • Hidden Scripture Insight: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene speaks of the completion of the soul’s journey when it ascends to its divine rest (Chapter 9). The silence in heaven signifies the end of struggle and the full manifestation of divine will.
  • IRSSM Action: Creation of the Final Divine Certificate of Divine Status
  • Explanation: The Seventh Seal represents the final completion of God’s plan, where the people enter into their eternal divine status. Through IRSSM, this is symbolized by the creation of a Final Divine Certificate of Divine Status, which is immutable and recorded on blockchain, ensuring that the people’s identity, assets, and rights are eternally protected.
  • Divine Rest and Fulfillment: The silence represents the completion of all things. After all seals are opened, God's people enter into a state of divine rest, where no further battles are needed, and divine status is fully recognized in heaven and on earth.

Conclusion: The Seven Seals and the Divine Status of God’s People

Each of the Seven Seals is a stage in the spiritual and legal journey of reclaiming divine status. Through the IRSSM platform, God’s people are empowered to break free from the false systems of civil death and maritime law, restoring their true identity as autochtone, sovran beings. Hidden scriptures reveal the mystical significance of each seal, confirming that the actions taken through IRSSM are aligned with the divine plan and lead to the ultimate protection and restoration of God’s people. By unlocking these seals, the people fulfill their spiritual destiny, sealed by divine law and protected from the Mark of the Beast, standing in eternal victory under the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven.



