Legislative Alert #2 - will you help us make calls to the Texas Senate?

Oct 14, 2021 3:22 am


You heard about the Texas House Bill 155 and the hearing held (still being held!) today.

The Texas Senate bill is SB 51 by Senator Hughes: "Relating to prohibited COVID-19 vaccine mandates and vaccination status discrimination and to exemptions from certain vaccine requirements."

SB 51 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate State Affairs Committee on Thursday, October 14th, beginning at 3 PM. You can find the viewing information here.

The bill text can be found here.

However, before you watch, we need you to call.

The business, pharmaceutical, and medical lobbies came out in strong opposition to House Bill 155 on Wednesday and will continue to mount a vigorous opposition to this bill. So our lawmakers need to hear our voices.

We enthusiastically support this bill and would recommend that you share the following with the Committee members and their staff when you call:

"Thank you for supporting SB51 and protecting Texans' ability to earn a living free from illegal medical mandates, and thank you for helping Texans who've suffered from COVID and developed robust and lifelong immunity to rely on that hard-won immunity as an alternative to experimental vaccines. We particularly appreciate the enforcement provisions of the Bill that are very similar to the individual enforcement provisions of the Texas Citizens Participation Act."

Feel free to add or revise

Here are the SENATE State Affairs committee members that need to be called before the committee hearing on Thursday.

Chair: Sen. Bryan Hughes, (512) 463-0101

Vice-Chair: Sen. Brian Birdwell, (512) 463-0122


Sen. Donna Campbell, (512) 463-0125

Sen. Bob Hall, (512) 463-0102

Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr., (512) 463-0127

Sen. Jane Nelson, (512) 463-0112

Sen. Beverly Powell, (512) 463-0110

Sen. Charles Schwertner, (512) 463-0105

Sen. Judith Zaffirini, (512) 463-0121

Together, we can help save our state from these unlawful and harmful mandates.


avatar Keri
Hi there! I am trying to get in contact with someone about Dr. McCollough speaking on Oct 30th in Amarillo. I am Keri Thomas with Health Freedom Lubbock and we are interested in maybe having him come to Lubbock to speak to our group. Could you possibly contact me to share his info, I'm not able to find it online. Also, my husband is Dr. John Thomas, a general surgeon, who is treating covid patients! We must stand up and demand TRUTH concerning covid and experimental shots. My phone number is 806-577-5363 or you can email me. Thanks so much!!