Elevating Your Job Search Strategy: What to Stop, Start, and Continue

Sep 21, 2023 3:37 pm


Hello ,

We often see the job search process as a daunting and time-consuming endeavour filled with uncertainty and stress. However, you can transform your job search into a more efficient and successful journey by implementing a strategic approach that involves stopping certain habits, starting new practices, and continuing proven methods. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key elements of what you should stop, start, and continue doing during your job search to increase your chances of landing your dream job.

In my initial session with clients who have recently experienced a job loss or are looking for a new one, I will inquire about their job search efforts up to that point. Frequently, they enthusiastically share that they’ve submitted applications for as many as 40 positions within the past week. I appreciate their enthusiasm, so rather than temper their optimism, we discuss the advantages of adopting a “less is more” approach to their job search. Let’s take a look at what to stop, start, and continue.


1. Targeting a Wide Range of Jobs, Industries, and Companies

It’s a common misconception that applying to as many job postings as possible will increase your chances of getting hired. In reality, this approach can lead to burn out and diminish the quality of your applications. Instead, stop casting a wide net and focus on a specific job role or industry that aligns with your skills, passions, and career goals. By doing so, you’ll position yourself to showcase your expertise and stand out as a strong candidate.

2. Only Networking When You’re Looking for a Job

Networking should be ongoing, not only when you’re actively job hunting. Building and maintaining professional relationships can open doors to opportunities you might not have otherwise encountered. Invest time in networking by attending industry events, joining online forums, and connecting with professionals on LinkedIn. You’ll build a strong network that can support your career growth through genuine interest in others’ success and offering help when possible.

3. Using the Same Resume for All Job Postings

Every job posting is unique, with specific requirements and qualifications. Using a one-size-fits-all resume is a mistake that can cost you opportunities. Instead, tailor your resume for each application. Highlight the skills and experiences that directly relate to the job description. Show potential employers that you’ve taken the time to understand their needs and that you are the perfect fit for the role.

4. Applying to a High Volume of Job Postings

Quantity doesn’t always translate to quality when it comes to job applications. Rather than submitting dozens of applications without much thought, focus on quality over quantity. Aim to apply to several weekly job postings—perhaps five or so. Research each company thoroughly, customize your application materials, and ensure your qualifications align with the position's requirements. This approach will lead to more meaningful applications and a higher chance of success.

5. Focusing on the Easiest Way to Apply

Job boards often allow quick and easy applications with just a click. While convenient, it can also be counterproductive. Many job seekers opt for the path of least resistance, resulting in generic applications that need more personalization. Instead, invest the time to complete online applications thoroughly, even if it requires more effort. Craft a compelling cover letter and ensure your resume reflects the specific job requirements.

6. Spending All Day on Job Boards

Job boards are valuable, but excessive time scrolling through listings can be overwhelming and unproductive. Schedule specific time slots for job board exploration in your daily or weekly calendar. Limit the time you dedicate to this task and use it efficiently to identify promising opportunities. The key is balance; don’t let job boards dominate your job search strategy.

7. Using the Last Resume to Update for the Next Job Posting

Your resume should be a dynamic document that evolves with your experiences and skills. Rather than using your previous resume as a template, consider creating a “shell” resume with sections for your skills, accomplishments, and qualifications. Keep an inventory of your achievements, making it easier to customize your resume for each application. This approach will save you time and ensure your resume remains up-to-date and relevant.


1. Target a Specific Job Role

Narrow your focus to a specific job role that aligns with your skills and interests. This targeted approach will help you position yourself as an expert in your chosen field, making it easier to showcase your qualifications to potential employers.

2. Network Actively Being Intentionally Valuable

Networking is a two-way street. Instead of merely seeking help, aim to provide value to your connections. Share relevant industry insights, offer assistance when possible, and genuinely engage with others in your network. Building mutually beneficial relationships can lead to meaningful opportunities. Always provide your resume ONLY when asked for it. And regularly review your brand and LinkedIn profile. Here's a Guide to Improving your LinkedIn Profile.

3. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description for Each Application

Craft a unique resume for each job application by aligning your qualifications and experiences with the job description. Highlight your achievements directly related to the role’s requirements, increasing your chances of standing out to employers. Document your values, skills and accomplishments in this Brand Inventories Document.

4. Apply to a Few Postings with More Research, Focus, and Effort

Quality applications are more effective than a quantity of generic ones. Dedicate time to researching and customizing your applications for a select number of job postings (I recommend five) each week. Tailor your cover letter, emphasize your relevant skills, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

5. Focus on Presenting Yourself as the Best Candidate

During interviews and with your application materials, convey why you are the best fit for the job. Highlight your unique strengths, experiences, and accomplishments that set you apart from other candidates.

6. Plan Your Day with Scheduled Time for Job Search Activities

Organize your job search efforts by scheduling specific time slots in your calendar. Allocate time for job board exploration, networking, follow-up emails, reflection, and self-care. This structured approach ensures that you balance your job search activities effectively.

7. Have a Resume Shell to Customize

Maintain a versatile resume template or “shell” that you can easily customize for each application. Keep inventories of your values, skills, and accomplishments up to date. These inventories will be valuable when tailoring your resume and preparing for interviews.


Making strategic adjustments involves transforming your job search into a more targeted, efficient, and successful process. Stopping unproductive habits, starting effective practices, and continuing to refine your approach will increase your chances of securing your desired job. Remember that a well-executed job search strategy is a journey, not a sprint; your effort will pay off as a fulfilling and rewarding career.

The September cohort three-month program has now closed its doors. Reply to this email to get on the waitlist for the next program starting mid-October.

Do you feel stuck in your career? Just reply to this email if you would like to chat. You can also book a time with me here 😊

Until next week,image

Be at peace, just where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Founder of Power Play Career

P.S. If you know somebody who would benefit from this information, please have them subscribe to my newsletter and get a free magazine on menopause at www.joannesavoiemalone.com
