A Roadmap to “Reinvention”

Nov 02, 2023 1:03 pm


Hello ,

Are you at a crossroads in your career, feeling that your current job no longer fulfills you, or perhaps even facing an unexpected career setback in midlife? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many individuals in their 40s, 50s, and beyond find themselves reevaluating their career paths and searching for new opportunities to reinvent themselves. Let’s explore the unique challenges and opportunities that midlife professionals encounter when navigating career transitions. We’ll also provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to guide you on your journey to a fulfilling midlife career transformation.

The Midlife Career Challenge

The Midlife Crisis Myth

Before we dive into the specifics of midlife career transitions, let’s dispel a common myth—the midlife crisis. While popular culture often portrays midlife as a time of impulsivity and reckless decisions, it’s important to understand that midlife career transitions can be well-considered and deliberate changes. Many midlife individuals approach career transitions with a wealth of experience, self-awareness, and a desire to align their work with their values and passions.

Case Study

Anita’s career had predominantly revolved around her roles as an Events Planner and Project Manager, positions in which she excelled and found immense satisfaction. Yet, deep within her, a fervent desire to explore her passion for photography and art had always burned. However, a sudden twist of fate threw her off course; her employer let her go due to a company restructuring, and the abrupt change plunged her into a state of panic.

In this crisis, Anita experienced the classic “fight or flight” response, a natural physiological reaction triggered when confronting stressful or frightening situations. The perception of imminent threat activated her sympathetic nervous system, preparing her body to either face the challenge or escape it.

Feeling the pressing need to secure employment quickly, she adopted a trial-and-error approach, attempting various roles to see what would stick. Doubts about her age and employability crept in, leading her to question why anyone would hire her at this stage.

Amidst the chaos, Anita embarked on self-discovery and career planning, guided by several coaching sessions with me. We charted a strategic course, positioning her as a consultant available for short-term contracts, an endeavour that had already garnered interest from numerous organizations. Simultaneously, she set out to build her portfolio in photography and sought to identify a niche where her skills and passions could harmoniously converge, all while exploring seasonal gigs.

In this transformative process, Anita realized that the conventional 9-to-5 job was not the sole path to earning a livelihood. With newfound clarity and determination, under my guidance, she devised a comprehensive career plan spanning quarterly, yearly, five-year, and ten-year horizons. Invigorated by a sense of empowerment and control over her professional destiny, Anita was overjoyed to be finally experiencing a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Reasons for Midlife Career Transitions

There are numerous reasons why people in midlife consider changing careers. Some of the most common motivators include:

1. Lack of Fulfillment: You may have been in your current career for years, and it no longer satisfies your professional or personal needs.

2. Job Loss or Redundancy: Economic shifts, technological advancements, or company restructuring can lead to unexpected job loss, requiring you to explore new career options.

3. Burnout: Long hours and high-stress levels may have taken a toll on your physical and mental health, motivating you to seek a more balanced and sustainable career.

4. Desire for Purpose: As you grow older, you may be searching for a career that aligns more with your values and gives you a sense of purpose.

5. Economic Considerations: The need for financial stability or the desire for increased earning potential can lead professionals to consider career transitions in midlife.

The Midlife Career Transition Roadmap

Transitioning to a new career in midlife can be stressful, exciting, and challenging. Follow this roadmap to make the journey smoother and more manageable:


1. Self-Assessment: Start by taking a detailed inventory of your skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Reflect on your interests, values, and what truly matters to you in a career.

2. Explore Your Passion: Think about your hobbies, interests, and activities that genuinely excite you. Can you turn any of these into a career or find a way to incorporate them into your current profession?

3. Set Clear Goals: Define your career objectives for the transition. What do you hope to achieve in your new career, and how will you measure your success?

Skill Development

1. Identify Skill Gaps: Recognize the skills and qualifications required for your desired career. Take courses, workshops, or pursue certifications to bridge any gaps.

2. Networking: Build connections within your desired industry. Attend relevant conferences, join professional associations, and connect with people who can offer guidance and mentorship.

3. Leverage Existing Skills: Remember to leverage the skills and experiences you’ve gained throughout your previous career. Many of these are transferable and valuable in a new context.

Financial Planning

1. Budgeting: Evaluate your current financial situation and create a budget that accounts for any potential income changes during your transition.

2. Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund to provide a financial safety net during periods of uncertainty.

3. Retirement Planning: Reassess your retirement savings and adjust your contributions as needed to ensure long-term financial security.

Resume and Branding

1. Resume Overhaul: Revamp your resume to highlight relevant experience, skills, and achievements. Emphasize how your past roles have prepared you for the new career.

2. Online Presence: Update your LinkedIn profile and other online professional profiles to reflect your transition goals. Share your journey and insights through articles or posts.

3. Cover Letter and Interview Prep: Tailor your cover letter for each job application, focusing on how your background and aspirations align with the new career. Prepare for interviews by practising common questions and showcasing your enthusiasm.

Job Search

1. Research Your Target Industry: Stay informed about trends and opportunities in your desired field. Know the companies, roles, and locations that align with your goals.

2. Utilize Job Search Platforms: Explore online job boards, company websites, and industry-specific platforms to identify job openings. Don't forget to network and use personal connections for job leads.

3. Consider Freelancing or Contract Work: If you’re having trouble finding full-time positions, consider freelancing or contract work to gain experience and build your reputation in your new career.

Personal Wellness

1. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress management, to maintain your physical and mental well-being during the transition.

2. Mindset and Resilience: Develop a growth mindset and build resilience to navigate the challenges that may arise during the transition. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.

3. Awareness of your symptoms: Awareness of your symptoms is a crucial first step in effectively managing your menopause journey. Menopause can bring about a wide range of physical, emotional, and psychological changes, and being attuned to these shifts is key to taking control of your health and well-being. By recognizing the signs, such as hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and changes in menstrual patterns, you can begin to make informed choices about how to address these issues. Through self-awareness and open communication with healthcare professionals, you can develop a personalized plan to navigate menopause with confidence, ensuring that this life transition becomes an opportunity for growth, empowerment, and improved quality of life. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and understanding your symptoms is the first step towards reclaiming your vitality and embracing your unique menopausal experience.

Transition Execution

1. Be Patient: Recognize that a midlife career transition may take time. Be patient with yourself and stay committed to your goals.

2. Continuous Learning: Stay open to learning and adapting as you enter your new career. Embrace new challenges and opportunities as they come your way.

3. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge your achievements along the way. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating.

Long-Term Sustainability

1. Set Future Goals: Continue to set new career goals and regularly assess your progress. Your journey doesn’t end with the transition; it’s an ongoing process of growth and development.

2. Networking and Mentorship: Maintain your professional network and seek mentorship even as you settle into your new career. Experienced mentors can offer valuable insights and guidance.

3. Give Back: Consider sharing your experiences with others going through career transitions. Becoming a mentor or coach for others can be a fulfilling way to give back.


Midlife career transitions can be incredibly rewarding and transformative experiences when approached with the right mindset and strategies. By following this roadmap, you can navigate the challenges of transitioning to a new career in midlife, leveraging your experiences, and setting yourself up for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven future. Remember, you always have time to reinvent yourself and chase your dreams, and midlife can be the perfect time to do it. Embrace the journey and look forward to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Whenever you’re ready, here are FIVE ways we can help you:

1. FREE 5-DAY COURSE:  click here

You can do this course in five days or at your leisure. You will get a daily email with instructions, your lesson, and a workbook.  

🌟 Day 1: Menopause and its symptoms and how it may affect your career. 

🌟 Day 2: Who are you? Are you uncomfortable talking about yourself? Our tried and true framework will enable you to talk about yourself with confidence and know what to say.

🌟 Day 3: Who you want to be. Do you feel too old to even think about a career change? We will show you how your experiences and aspirations matter for the future of work and how to update your professional brand on LinkedIn, in your resume, and wherever your brand appears.

🌟 Day 4: Who will you connect with? Learn how to network effectively and with grace, in person and online.

🌟 Day 5: ACTION plan for the next ten years.

2. Work 1-on-1 with me

Imagine getting career, mindset coaching, accountability, and support. → Book a 30-minute chat with Joanne

3. Membership in the Power Play Career Development

There are three categories in the membership, and you can navigate through them:

AIM: self-analysis, assessments and career planning

SHOOT: professional branding

SCORE: interviewing and networking

There will also be a wellness section as it relates to Menopause and Personal Wellness.

4. 6-Week Program

Are you in midlife searching for fulfillment but feeling defeated, low energy, and unmotivated? Envision your purposeful future with renewed energy and motivation by joining my 6-week program, Career Discovery and Fulfillment in Midlife, starting November 15th.

Be at peace right where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Career and Menopause Coach

