📣 Introducing Thrive in Midlife with Jo 🌟

Nov 29, 2023 6:17 pm


Dear ,

I hope this message finds you well! I’m thrilled to pop into your mailbox to share exciting news and extend a warm invitation to join me on a new adventure. Over the past few months, I’ve been reflecting on my journey, delving into research, and embracing personal transformations. Today, I’m delighted to introduce you to my latest venture: Thrive in Midlife with Jo!

Why the Change?

As I immerse myself in more research, dive into inspiring books, and navigate through my lifestyle changes, I’ve come to a profound realization about the intersection of menopause, hormones, and overall well-being. In response to this newfound awareness, I’m dedicating a separate space to explore these topics more deeply. While my passion for career coaching and transitions remains unwavering, I’m eager to dive into this realm: aging gracefully and audaciously and feeling fantastic throughout life’s journey.

What to Expect?

Thrive in Midlife with Jo is more than a blog; it’s a commitment to exploring the myriad facets of health, wellness, lifestyle, supplements, sleep hygiene, mindfulness, exercise, and travel—all aimed at helping you thrive in midlife and beyond. Each Tuesday, I’ll share insights, stories, and practical tips to empower you on your journey towards feeling well until the end.

Stay Tuned Every Tuesday!

Starting soon, every Tuesday will bring a new opportunity for us to connect, learn, and grow together. Are you navigating the waves of midlife or seeking inspiration for a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle? I designed Thrive in Midlife with Jo with you in mind.

Join Me on Thursdays, too!

And fear not, my commitment to providing valuable content around career coaching and transition remains steadfast. Every Thursday, you can still catch my career-focused newsletter, ensuring a well-rounded blend of insights to support your personal and professional endeavours.

Let’s Thrive Together!

I genuinely hope you’ll join me on this exciting journey of self-discovery and well-being. With your name on this mailing list, you’ll automatically receive my new blog update every Tuesday. Feel free to unsubscribe anytime if the content doesn’t align with your interests. Rest assured, this journey isn’t only for women—I will tailor valuable insights for men to support the women in their lives.

Subscribe now to stay connected, and let’s embark on a mission to thrive together in midlife and beyond!

When you subscribe, you will get an Information booklet entitled Menopause Information & Symptom Management Guide (MISMG).

Thank you for allowing me to show up in your inbox, and I look forward to our shared adventures.

Thrive on,



Subscribe here and get the Guide
