Embrace the Change: Celebrating World Menopause Day with a Fresh Perspective

Oct 18, 2023 3:28 pm


World Menopause Day, celebrated on October 18th every year, is a significant occasion for women worldwide. It’s an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges and transformations that come with menopause and to inspire a fresh, upbeat perspective on this phase of life. As a Menopause and Career Coach, I focus on helping women in midlife navigate this transition successfully, particularly if they’re contemplating a career change. Menopause is much more than hot flashes and mood swings; it’s an empowering time of transformation you can harness for personal growth and equality. Check out my story on page 32 in the October issue of Menopause Life Magazine.

To celebrate Menopause Day, I'm offering a FREE 5-day Course on Navigating Your Career in Midlife starting Monday, October 23rd.

Menopause: A Shift in Priorities

When we think about what we want for our lives during menopause, many different images come to mind. Some women may envision having the energy to play with their children or grandchildren, feeling strong enough to engage in their favourite activities, fitting into their favourite clothes, or embarking on global adventures. Others may think of giving back through volunteer work or transitioning to a new career because they’re not ready to call it quits. These dreams and aspirations are what make menopause a pivotal life stage.

One fascinating aspect of menopause is how it literally rewires the brain, triggering a shift in priorities from nesting and caretaking to personal growth and equality. Women often experience a newfound sense of freedom and self-discovery during this time. It’s a time for reinvention, self-reflection, and embracing a life that aligns more closely with one’s desires and dreams.

Listening to the Wake-Up Call in Cyclic Nature

The cyclical nature of a woman’s life marks the journey to menopause. From PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) to the symptoms of menopause, our bodies are constantly communicating with us. Learning to listen to these messages and take them as a wake-up call to guide our actions and decisions is crucial.

For example, PMS symptoms can serve as a reminder of the importance of self-care and managing stress. SAD can highlight the need for sunshine and mental health support during the darker months. Menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes and mood swings, can be signals that our bodies are undergoing profound changes, pushing us to reevaluate our priorities.

Dealing with Myths and Realities

Myths and misconceptions often cloud the authentic experience of menopause. It’s more than about aging; it’s about a metamorphosis. In my sessions with clients as a Menopause and Career Coach, I’ve seen many women hesitate to make life-altering decisions during this stage of life because of fears about health, appearance, or societal expectations. Decide to debunk these myths and embrace the realities of menopause.

1. Myth: Menopause is the beginning of the end.

   Reality: Menopause is a new beginning, not the end. It’s an opportunity to focus on personal growth, passions, and career changes.

2. Myth: Menopause means the end of your sex life.

   Reality: While hormonal changes may affect your sex drive, open communication with your partner and medical professionals can help you maintain a fulfilling, intimate life.

3. Myth: Menopause leads to memory loss.

   Reality: Cognitive changes during menopause are temporary for most women. Engaging in mental exercises and staying active can help maintain mental sharpness.

Preventing Long-Term Health Problems

In addition to mental and emotional transformation, menopause also impacts physical health. Women in midlife are at increased risk of conditions like heart disease and hormone-related cancers. It’s essential to take proactive steps to safeguard your long-term well-being.

1. Healthy Eating: A balanced diet focusing on whole foods, fibre, and lean protein can help manage weight and reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

2. Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine helps with weight management and promotes heart health and overall well-being.

3. Hormone Therapy: Consult your healthcare provider about hormone therapy options if you experience severe menopausal symptoms. It can alleviate discomfort and reduce the risk of bone loss.

4. Regular Check-ups: Routine medical check-ups are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues.

5. Mental Health Support: Addressing mental health through therapy or support groups can help manage stress and improve overall well-being.

Celebrating Menopause

World Menopause Day is an excellent time to celebrate the transformative journey of menopause and encourage a positive, upbeat perspective on this phase of life. It’s a reminder that women have the power to embrace change, follow their dreams, and prioritize personal growth and equality.

As a Menopause and Career Coach, I’ve seen so many women tap into their newfound potential during this stage. Here are some strategies to make the most of this exciting period:

1. Embrace Self-Discovery: Take the time to discover what truly makes you happy and fulfilled. Explore new passions and interests that you may have never had time for. Join my Free 5-day course on Navigating Your Career in Midlife.

2. Set Bold Career Goals: Now could be the perfect time to pursue your dreams if you’ve been contemplating a career change. Embrace the skills and experience you’ve acquired throughout your life.

3. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with friends, family, and mentors who encourage personal growth and career aspirations. Join my FB GROUP, Women Thriving in Midlife: Career Focus.

4. Prioritize Self-Care: Menopause is an opportunity to focus on physical and mental health. Prioritize self-care practices, such as exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques.

5. Reignite Intimacy: Maintain an open dialogue with your partner about your changing needs and desires. A fulfilling, intimate life is possible during and after menopause.


World Menopause Day is a reminder that menopause is the beginning of a new chapter, not the end of a journey. My mission as a Menopause and Career Coach is to empower women in midlife to navigate this transformative time with confidence, positivity, and a clear vision for the future.

Are you ready to celebrate the power of menopause, listen to the wake-up call inherent in our cyclic nature, dispel myths, and embrace the realities of this life stage? By prioritizing physical and mental well-being and exploring new opportunities, you can make the most of this exciting phase, embracing personal growth, pursuing your dreams, and championing equality. Menopause is a time of renewal, transformation, and empowerment. It’s time to embrace the change and live your best life—unapologetically.

Are you in midlife searching for fulfillment, but feeling defeated, low energy, and unmotivated? Envision your purposeful future with renewed energy and motivation by joining my Free 5-day course on Navigating Your Career In Midlife starting Monday, October 23rd.

Until next week,image

Be at peace, just where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Founder of Power Play Career

P.S. If you know somebody who would benefit from this information, please have them subscribe to my newsletter and get a free magazine on menopause at www.joannesavoiemalone.com

P.P.S. For details on where I got my Menopause License, click here.
