Good News from Joanne!

Nov 27, 2020 2:47 am


Joanne here; as you may know, I am a YB12 Coach and authorized by Life In Balance Careers to deliver several exciting programs, including MENS SANA and HOW TO BEAT PROCRASTINATION.


I am writing to you today to see how are you coping.  It’s been a while since we communicated, and I want to check-in and also tell you about my newsletter. Every Friday, I will send you a newsletter, and I want to know if this would be of interest.  If not, no worries - I will not be offended if you unsubscribe. I understand that we are bombarded with information these days since, due to the pandemic, everything digital is being amplified. 


Even if you unsubscribe, I would still love the opportunity to offer you a 20-minute coffee chat.   Just send me an email at


I hope you enjoy the article on Friday, and I welcome any feedback you may have.

Thank you for your time.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Performance Consultant


Guiding you to discover your passions and dreams

               Inspiring you to make it happen
