The Power of Self-Reflection and Self-Analysis

Oct 26, 2023 1:41 pm


Hello ,

I hope you are doing well and feeling the excitement building within you as we embark on this journey of self-discovery and career transformation. Today, I want to unveil a secret, the very first step toward your amazing future, your second act—a time when it’s never too late to reset your life. Are you ready for this revelation? It’s quite simple yet incredibly powerful: Look inward.

While evaluating whether to stay in your current job, seek that well-deserved promotion, explore a career change, or even venture into entrepreneurship, the essential starting point is to reflect, be self-aware and take inventory of your skills, experiences, and vision. You will also benefit from reflecting on what you are passionate about.

Remember this equation:


This foundational step is vital. How can you find that perfect job if you don’t know yourself? How can you know what to look for? Saying, “I’ll take anything,” won’t bring you bliss. If you’re unaware of your value, how can you effectively market yourself, especially in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Your skills, experiences, and passions should align seamlessly with your chosen path.

The norm has shifted in today’s dynamic world, with people transitioning to new jobs every two to four years. Even more fascinating is the growing trend of making complete career changes. To succeed in such a transition, you must continually refine your personal brand. Update your resume, enhance your LinkedIn profile, and optimize other social media platforms where you engage.

This initial step serves as the solid groundwork that will benefit you in numerous ways:

1. Targeted Focus: Better equip yourself by zeroing in on job postings that align with your skill set.

2. Resume Tailoring: Crafting an impeccable resume will become a breeze.

3. Effortless Cover Letters: You can easily craft compelling cover letters.

4. Powerful Networking: You can narrate your story with confidence during networking events or 1:1.

5. Interview Excellence: You’ll naturally highlight your most remarkable achievements during interviews.

6. Discover Meaningful Work: Your journey will lead you to work that truly matters to you.

In your quest to know yourself better, ask yourself questions:

- What skills do I enjoy using the most?

- Which experiences am I most proud of?

- What attributes and unique values do I bring to an employer?

- What’s my personal mission?

- What are my short- and long-term goals?

Become an expert on yourself. When you are crystal clear about who you are and what you bring to the table, your message will resonate, and you’ll be top of mind when opportunities arise. One of the best ways to achieve this clarity is by scheduling uninterrupted periods with yourself to reflect and make lists. Here are a few approaches you can take:

1. Review a list of skills and select the ones that best define you. Narrow them down to the most relevant five to eight skills.

2. Explore free online personality and career assessments.

3. Consider investing in in-depth personality and career assessments.

4. Take the PASSION TEST™.

5. Enlist the guidance of a career coach to support you through this process and keep you accountable.

I will emphasize again how vital this step is in your job search and career development. Contact me if you need a list of skills to assess on your own or free personality or career assessment resources. If you’re curious about the PASSION TEST™, please let me know, and I’ll provide more information. As a certified Passion Test Facilitator, I can help you. I am also a Certified DISC Human Behaviour Consultant. Schedule an appointment in my calendar for more info or how I can help you know yourself better.

You can also join my FREE 5-DAY COURSE - NAVIGATING YOUR CAREER IN MIDLIFE, which we launched this week. When you sign up, you will receive daily emails, resources, and worksheets, and you can watch the replay of the 20-minute daily video. The 5-day course is all about self-awareness and knowing yourself better. Here’s an overview:

Ready to conquer procrastination, silence indecision, and unleash your action-taking potential? The secret sauce is CLARITY. In just FIVE days, get ready to unlock your path to crystal-clear insights on

🌟 Day 1: Menopause. Its symptoms and how it may be affecting your career. 

🌟 Day 2: Who are you? Are you uncomfortable talking about yourself? Our tried and true framework will enable you to speak confidently about yourself and know what to say in your resume, networking, and interviews.

🌟 Day 3: Who you want to be. Do you feel too old to even think about a career change? We will show you how your experiences and aspirations matter for the future of work and how to update your professional brand, on LinkedIn, in your resume, and wherever your brand appears.

🌟 Day 4: Who will you connect with? Learn how to network effectively and with grace, in person and online.

🌟 Day 5: ACTION plan for the next ten years.

I’m very excited about this course, and I know it will bring you value and a GPS to your future self.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need guidance on your job or career search, remember that I’m here for you, and this course is for you. 

Be at peace right where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Career and Menopause Coach

