Mastering the Art of Networking on LinkedIn with New Connections

Sep 29, 2023 12:31 pm


Dear ,

In today’s professional landscape, networking has become a critical skill for career growth and development. LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, offers a powerful platform for connecting with like-minded individuals, potential mentors, and job opportunities. But what if you want to network with new people? Can you build meaningful connections on LinkedIn with people you don’t know? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Let me walk you through a strategy for effective and productive networking. But first, you need to do a bit of prep work.

1. Optimize Your Profile

Before you embark on your networking journey, ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and professional. A polished profile photo, a compelling headline, and a well-written summary will make you appear more credible and approachable to potential connections. Think of your Profile as your marketing tool. Spend time reviewing and updating your profile with a recent picture, a captivating headline, and an “about” that highlights your expertise. Here’s the Guide to LinkedIn Profile Excellence.

2. Define Your Goals

Determine what you hope to achieve through your LinkedIn networking efforts. Are you seeking job opportunities, industry insights, or expanding your professional network? Having clear goals will help you target your outreach effectively.

3. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn offers various groups dedicated to various industries, interests, and professions. Joining these groups can be an excellent way to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passions and goals.

4. Share Your Insights

Don’t be passive on LinkedIn. Be active by sharing your thoughts, expertise, and industry insights through posts and articles to showcase your knowledge and attract individuals who resonate with your content.

5. Attend Virtual Events and Webinars

LinkedIn often hosts virtual events and webinars on various topics. Participating in these events can help you connect with speakers and attendees who share your interests.

6. Nurture Your Connections

Building meaningful relationships takes time and effort. Stay in touch with your connections by sending periodic messages, sharing interesting content, or congratulating them on their achievements.

Next Steps

I want to introduce you to a different strategy for connecting with people you don’t know. The typical recommendation is to send a personalized connection request. Here’s another approach:

  1. Research about ten people you would like to connect with and send requests to connect without including a message. 
  2. Six or seven people out of the ten will accept your invitation to connect.  Those who accept your invitation to connect will either accept your request or include a reply, asking what information or insights you are looking for. Prepare questions to ask them so you are ready when the next step in the conversation turns to you.
  3. Immediately, thank the person for connecting with you. It’s courteous and shows appreciation for the connection. You also have a chance to provide more context about your request to connect. Briefly mention why you were interested in connecting with them and how you believe their insights could be valuable to you. You could say, “I’d love to learn more about your experiences in [industry/job/industry], and I was wondering if you might be available for a brief call at your convenience to discuss it further?” When they reply in the affirmative, confirm your phone number and ask them to let you know a couple of times when they are available.

Sending a connection request without a message can work if your profile is well-optimized and provides a clear picture of your professional background, interests, and goals. 

1. Personalization

Personalization is key. Tailor your messages to the individual you’re approaching. Mention specific aspects of their profile or work that caught your attention, and explain why you believe their insights would be valuable to you. This request for their help demonstrates your genuine interest in them and their expertise.

2. Engage with Their Content

Start engaging with your new connections by liking, commenting and sharing their posts and articles. Meaningful engagement shows your genuine interest and can spark conversations.

Be Patient

Only some people will respond positively to your request for a call, and that’s okay. Be patient and understanding of their response or lack thereof. Remember that LinkedIn is a platform where people have different levels of engagement and availability.

In summary, this strategy can be effective when you optimize your profile and add more context and personalization to your initial connection request and thank-you message. Be respectful of the other person’s time and preferences. Ultimately, the success of your networking efforts on LinkedIn depends on how well you communicate your intentions and the value you offer to potential connections.

In conclusion, networking with new people on LinkedIn is possible and can also be highly rewarding as you build valuable connections that benefit your career and professional development. Remember that networking is an ongoing process, so stay committed, be genuine, and watch your LinkedIn network flourish.

Do you feel stuck in your career? Just reply to this email if you would like to chat. You can also book a time with me here 😊

Until next week,image

Be at peace, just where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Founder of Power Play Career

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