How Embracing "AND" Transforms Your Communication: A Powerful Shift from "But" to "And"

Nov 17, 2023 2:05 pm


Hello ,

Navigating the intricate tapestry of midlife transitions, particularly in career shifts, job searches, and self-care, is a journey laden with challenges and opportunities. In this transformative odyssey, the language we employ plays a pivotal role in shaping our mindset and influencing the trajectory of our endeavours. 

One subtle yet powerful linguistic shift involves replacing the seemingly restrictive “but” with the inclusive conjunction “and.” This linguistic nuance serves as a catalyst, fundamentally altering the way we approach obstacles and possibilities. By exploring this simple change, we embark on a quest to cultivate a mindset that embraces acknowledgement rather than limitation, resilience in the face of fear, and a commitment to balance amidst competing priorities. As this journey unfolds, our linguistic exploration is like a compass guiding us, offering a profound shift in perspective through the complexities of midlife transitions with openness, creativity, and a holistic embrace of life’s intricacies.

Our thoughtful exploration of the power of language in shaping mindset, particularly during midlife transitions and self-care considerations, introduces a more inclusive and solution-focused perspective. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Mid-Life Transitions

Qualifications for a New Career Path

Original: I want to explore a new career path, BUT I lack the specific qualifications.

Revised: I want to explore a new career path, AND I lack the specific qualifications.

Shift: From limitation to acknowledgement, opening the door to acquiring new skills or seeking alternative routes.

Fear of the Unknown in Changing Jobs

Original: I am considering changing jobs, BUT I’m afraid of the unknown.

Revised: I am considering changing jobs, AND I’m afraid of the unknown.

Shift: Acknowledging fear while recognizing the potential for personal growth and resilience in uncertainty.

Passion for Career Change and Timing Concerns

Original: I am passionate about a career change, BUT it might be too late in my life.

Revised: I am passionate about a career change, AND it might be too late in my life.

Shift: Acknowledging timing concerns while fostering a mindset valuing passion at any life stage.

Job Search and Networking Uncertainty

Original: I am searching for a new job, BUT I’m unsure about networking.

Revised: I am searching for a new job, AND I’m unsure about networking.

Shift: Acknowledging uncertainty around networking, signalling openness to learning and embracing new skills.

Balancing Career Ambitions and Family Responsibilities

Original: I want to prioritize my career, BUT I also need to take care of my family.

Revised: I want to prioritize my career, AND I also need to take care of my family.

Shift: Emphasizing the coexistence of career ambitions and family responsibilities, encouraging effective balance.


Vacation and Hectic Work Schedule

Original: I’d love to take a vacation, BUT I have a hectic work schedule.

Revised: I’d love to take a vacation, AND I have a hectic work schedule.

Shift: Acknowledging a busy work schedule while expressing commitment to finding a balance.

Enjoying Massages and Affordability Concerns

Original: I enjoy getting massages, BUT they seem like a luxury I can’t afford.

Revised: I enjoy getting massages, AND they seem like a luxury I can’t afford.

Shift: Recognizing massage as a luxury while leaving room for exploring affordable options or creating budget-friendly alternatives.

Prioritizing Self-Care Amid Competing Priorities

Original: I want to prioritize self-care, BUT there’s always something more pressing.

Revised: I want to prioritize self-care, AND there’s always something more pressing.

Shift: Acknowledging competing priorities while emphasizing the importance of integrating self-care into the routine.

Needing a Break and Feeling Guilty

Original: I need a break, BUT I feel guilty taking time off.

Revised: I need a break, AND I feel guilty taking time off.

Shift: Recognizing the presence of guilt while encouraging a mindset that values breaks and self-renewal.

Scheduling a Massage and Deserving Self-Indulgence

Original: I’d like to schedule a massage, BUT I’m not sure, I deserve that kind of indulgence.

Revised: I’d like to schedule a massage, AND I’m not sure, I deserve that kind of indulgence.

Shift: Acknowledging feelings of uncertainty about self-indulgence, opening the door to self-reflection and self-compassion.

The transition from “but” to “and’ cultivates a mindset that acknowledges challenges or conflicting feelings while promoting a more open and solution-oriented approach. It encourages creative problem-solving, self-discovery, and a holistic approach to managing the complexities of life transitions. The reminder to be mindful of “ANDs” and “BUTs” serves as a simple yet impactful guide for navigating these transitions with a sense of peace and acceptance.

In the symphony of mid-life transitions, our journey finds its crescendo in the subtle notes of language transformation. As we bid farewell to the limiting “buts” and embrace the expansive “ands,” we unlock a realm of possibilities previously obscured by self-imposed constraints. This linguistic alchemy is more than a linguistic exercise; it is a declaration of resilience, a testament to the courage to confront uncertainties, and an ode to the harmonious coexistence of diverse aspirations. Let our concluding refrain echo with the resonance of self-discovery, creative problem-solving, and a profound acceptance of life’s intricacies. As we navigate the ever-shifting landscapes of career, self-care, and personal growth, may the resounding melody of “and” be our guide—a powerful reminder that limitless possibilities enrich our narratives by weaving into every “and,” and we can ask each “but” to butt out. In this concluding movement, let us stride forward with purpose, be at peace right where we are, and harmonize with the rhythm of our unfolding stories.

Schedule a meeting with Joanne here to delve into discussions about transformative mindset shifts.

Until next week!

Be at peace right where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Career and Menopause Coach
