Will it actually work for you? Good question.

Mar 11, 2021 9:16 pm

Good morning ,

If you’re skeptical, I get it…

It’s perfectly reasonable to wonder if you will finally be able to stick to an Action Plan or if, at your age, anything is possible? I wouldn’t expect you to dive in headfirst without a little proof that it actually works first.

So allow me to make an introduction. :)

Meet France.  A retired teacher at 55.  While she had a happy-ish life and felt content, she did not feel fulfilled. She had some dreams, and they were just that - dreams floating in her head.  COVID hit, and she was bored.  She had no routine and just got up when she felt like it and walked the dogs. 

During and after the program, she was re-energized as if she woke up from a long sleep.  She set up a morning routine, got back into exercising, and her dream of travelling across North America in an RV was becoming real.  She connected with people doing just that and put together a financial plan to buy a motorized RF in a few years.  She’s planning on renting one this summer, if we’re allowed, to travel within Canada and drive from Ontario to British Columbia with her two dogs.  She is so excited about her future.

What would those kinds of results mean for you? What would your day-to-day life look like if you were getting them consistently? Would you finally make a plan for that dream buried inside of you and start making a plan for it and finding purpose in your daily life and everything you do?

I can help you get there. But time is limited.

Go here to get all the details on my YB12 (Your Best 12 Month) before the doors close tomorrow.


That’s all you need to do to start getting the kind of results I just showed you above.

Talk soon!

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Chief Energy Officer
