I want to know more from you!

Nov 27, 2020 2:45 am


Joanne here; I am a YB12 Coach and authorized by Life In Balance Careers to deliver several exciting programs, including MENS SANA and HOW TO BEAT PROCRASTINATION.


Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter that will be delivered to your inbox every Friday,


I would still love the opportunity to offer you a 20-minute “coffee chat” or my free presentation on procrastination.


Just send me an email at joanne@yb12coach.com and let me know your preference.


I hope you enjoy the article on Friday, and I welcome any feedback you may have.


Thank you for your time.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Performance Consultant


Guiding you to discover your passions and dreams

               Inspiring you to make it happen
