Living on Purpose

Mar 01, 2021 8:40 pm

Hey ,

Do you feel like 2020 crushed your dreams and are struggling with figuring out what to do next? 

Are you procrastinating by not setting goals or setting the wrong ones? 

Do you feel stuck in the "I don't know what I want" stage because you think that because you’re in your 40s, 50s or 60s, you think this is the end of your life?

I've been there. 

Until I finally learned what was holding me back all along: I was stuck in a cycle of thinking I was too old to make my dreams come true; I was following others' advice and listening to what they thought I should be and the actions I should be taking. I was putting so much time and energy chasing other people's dreams, including my husband, daughter and friends, and I kept mine in hibernation, and nothing was getting done.

No wonder the goals never stuck!  They were not mine, and I was not passionate about it.  

I know what you’re thinking.  “I don't know who or what I want to be?  Can I really start a new job, career, business or hobby after 40?”  

Well, that will depend on you and what you do next.  Being clear on what you truly want, regardless of how crazy it may sound, is the first step.  If you happen to tell yourself, I’ll take anything. That’s the clue that you have no clarity or motivation to create the life you truly want.

Hit reply and let me know if you have felt like that before.

