🌌How far are you willing to go for your dreams? πŸ’«

May 22, 2024 12:59 am

Hi ! πŸ‘‹πŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸ½

How do you spend most of your time? Do your day-to-day actions match what you want to achieve in life? If yes, then are you going to stay persistent in those actions in achieving that dream? and if no, then you may want to revisit what you actually want in life and what you're willing to do to reach your dream.

As you go through life, your wishes in life may alter and we find it is always a good idea to revisit and make the necessary adjustments to those questions above. As it stands, for us, our goal is to help others such, as yourself, (including ourselves) to grow in abundance all while keeping a child-like play to life - to be creative, enjoy the simple things, and show gratitude in everything. To best achieve this, the problem we've found we need to get rid of, is the adult stress of worrying about money. Are you currently making money in a way that gives you back your time to be child-like and creative or are you stuck in a job just to pay the bills of this insane pretend life of adulthood?

If you are struggling to know how to get what you most want out of life and are held back by finances, or overwhelmed with the steps you should take, join us live for about 10min. today Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 7:30pm MST in The Visionary Circle, our exclusive FB group. We will present to you some tips and thoughts from an inspiring movie we recently watched called, "A Million Miles Away".

Additionally, if you are determined to do what it takes and follow the steps learned from that movie, then join us again live on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 7:30pm MST in The Visionary Circle, our exclusive FB group. We'll present a 30min. webinar on the business that you can create and tools and resources that we use to grow in abundance to create a better lifestyle for yourselves.

As an important note, prices are increasing on June 1st so don't miss out! There's no time like the present. take advantage of the current rates before they go up!

Join The Visionary Circle!

Weekly Tip: πŸ’²Create a strategy of persistence.

5 steps to follow inspired by the movie: "A million Miles Away"!

✨Find your goal: Know what problem you want to solve.

✨Know how far you've come: Be aware of your progress.

✨Draw a road map: Plan out and create your guidelines.

✨If you don't know how, learn: Take action to find out what you need.

✨When you think you've made it, you probably have to work harder: Learn to push past the constant challenges of life.

Cheers to staying clear on what you want and what you'll do to get it! πŸš€


Celest & Brian Hilton
Playful Partners | Pure Alignments
email: help.playfulpartners@gmail.com
