🚀 Imdone - 1.45.0 - You decide where each new card is added

Sep 16, 2024 11:32 am

Hey friends 👋🏼

I'm reaching out to share the latest release of imdone.

For a long time I've been putting cards in daily files and I lose some context that way.

I'm trying a new experiment to organize content into a file structure that makes more sense. By making me decide where a card will go before I create it, I have more options to organize my content. I've added an autocomplete "Add new card in" feature to the card editor. To keep it simple, I decided to put all files and directories scanned and watched by imdone to the autocomplete list.

In addition to that if the value of the "Add new card in" field ends with / or \ the first item in the dropdown will be [ccyy-mm-dd].md file in the directory. This way I can easily add a new card to the daily file I'm working on. If the value of the "Add new card in" field does not end with / or \ the first item in the dropdown will be [value]-[ccyy-mm-dd].md and the second item will be [value].md.

If I'm not sure where to put a card, I can always use the "Add new card in" field to find a file or directory or create a new file or directory.

1.45.0 Release Notes

📂 Add a new card to any new or existing markdown file in a project

🐺 Update card source with interpolated content

🏃 Add more default board actions

  • Duplicate Card (Shift + D)

Sign up for my news letter and check out my youtube channel where I share productivity tips for developers and demonstrate new features!

Until next time!

