Switching Genres?

Dec 12, 2023 2:49 pm

Hey fellow writer,

It happens to a lot of us. You pick a genre when you start writing. It could be one you love to read or one you believe will sell. You write in it, and then...

You change your mind.

Maybe you're burnt out. Maybe you found something you think you could write better. Maybe you're restless and want to change the pace.

Switching genres might not make a huge difference as far as your readership is concerned, but it might--especially if they're particularly attached to the genre that you have been writing in.

Is it worth it?

Here are a few things to consider before taking the plunge.

🗒️ Switching Genres? 5 Signs You Should (Or Shouldn't!)


It can be a good idea to identify yourself with a single genre, learn the basic ins and outs and rise to the top while producing...

Click here to read more


Amanda Clemmer
