2.4 million digitized microfilms now digitized...
Sep 24, 2021 11:01 pm
Hope this email finds you well! It's marching band season for us so we're burning the midnight oil and it's pretty much all work and no play for me. But if you have time for family history research here are some great new collections headed your way!
FamilySearch News
The big news this week is FamilySearch announced they've finished digitizing 2.4 million rolls of microfilm and are processing them and getting them online. Many of these films are already online and we're adding them to our listings at OnGenealogy. Here's a blogpost with basic instructions for finding these collections: All FamilySearch Microfilms now Digitized and if you run into a block here's How to Unlock FamilySearch Collections (most importantly, log in).
MyHeritage News
MyHeritage recently announced the acquistion of Filae, a French genealogy company, so watch for those collections to come online in the near future!
Ancestry News
Ancestry then announced the purchase of Geneanet, another French genealogy company. Also watch for these records to potentially be incorporated into the Ancestry site.
New and Updated Listings
New York Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Best with your family history research!