9/11 Remembrances and Unlocking FamilySearch collections...
Sep 10, 2021 11:01 pm
Best with your family history this weekend! As we approach the 20th anniverary of the 9/11 attacks, check out some of the stories of survivors and victims of the attacks at StoryCorps.com.
Where were you on September 11, 2001?
If you haven't yet recorded where you were and what you were doing that day, check out my blog, Writing Your Personal History - Types of Histories and Apps and Storytelling Services to Get You Started. Even a quickly handwritten note is valuable history. Let's all take 5 minutes this weekend and jot down something to let our descendants know where we were, how we processed the event, and how the attacks affected our lives.
Visit StoryCorps.com for some video vignettes
How to Unlock FamilySearch Collections
I wrote a short How To blogpost on unlocking FamilySearch Collections because FamilySearch is inconsistent in how they take you to the resource. You have to know what to look for and you often MUST be logged in with a free account to view the collections. A few collections are technically online, but are contractually (because FamilySearch doesn't own the resource) only viewable at a Family History affiliate library -- but there's certainly one near you. I have one five minutes away I'll drive to if there's a rare locked collection I want to view. Just go to that library and use their computer access.
New and Updated Listings
Albany County NY Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Belleville Public Library an Information Center NJ
Bergen County NJ Genealogy Records at FamilySearch
Gloucester County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Camden County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Cumberland County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Burlington County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Hunterdon County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Hudson County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Cape May County NJ Genealogy Records online at Family Search
Ocean County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Salem County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Middlesex County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Essex County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Union County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Warren County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Somerset County NJ Genealogy Records online at FamilySearch
Best wishes for a peaceful weekend and family history successes!