Day 10

Sep 01, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

Explore productivity apps and tools that can help you manage tasks, track progress, and stay organized. 

I have been using some apps which have become a staple for my productivity. 

I shall share them one at a time. 

For today, letโ€™s look at the Google calendar.

This app is an amazing one that you might have overlooked on your smartphone to help you be (more) productive.

Your task is to read the different ways to use it.

Here are some things you can start doing on your Google calendar that can raise your productivity.

  • Colour-Coding Magic.

Assign different colours to various types of events or tasks. For instance, I use green for spirituality-related tasks, blue for work-related events, yellow for personal tasks, and purple for personal development events.

This visual cue makes it super easy to glance at your calendar and know what's coming up and also see where you're spending most of your time.


  • Smart Event Descriptions.

Use event descriptions to your advantage. Add relevant details, and locations, and even attach files or links. This way, you'll have all the info you need in one place, saving you from scrambling to find it later.

See mine.


  • Set Reminders Like a Pro.

Take advantage of reminders. Set multiple reminders for crucial events โ€“ a day before, a few hours before, or even minutes before. This prevents last-minute surprises and helps you stay on top of your schedule.

You can even customise yours if the timing you want isn't listed. How cool is that? ๐Ÿ˜Ž


  • Time Blocking Mastery.

Embrace time blocking! Remember that I talked about time blocking on day 5. This is one of the tools to achieve that. Assign specific time slots to different tasks or activities. This not only helps you stay organized but also prevents overloading your day. Plus, it ensures you're allocating time for both work and personal activities.



To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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