day 36

Jan 22, 2024 7:00 am

Hello, Productive .


I have been on the journey of limiting my time on activities that don't give me a return on my personal or business life. 

For example, I have had an intention to quit social media since last year but the fear of losing the platforms that have become a part of me was so scary. 

After more reflection, I put on the courage to go ahead with it, trusting my Lord to show me the way. I will tell you this; it wasn't an easy decision. 

I deleted my Instagram accounts (3 of them), followed by Twitter (now X) and finally let go of Linkedin. Of course, when I announced it, a few sisters contacted me telling me that I don't need to let them go altogether. I disagreed and shared my experience with them.

In my experience;

It was a HUGE distraction.

It wasn't bringing in clients as I thought it would. Yes, I tried different strategies and they might have worked a little but they weren't bringing in income compared to the time and investment I spent on them. 

And lastly, creating content for the accounts was stressing me. I decided that whatever stressed me had to go.

Now, what are the non-essential activities that drain your time and energy without adding significant value? Identify them.

Then minimize or eliminate them as soon as possible.

That’s your task for today.

See you in the next email.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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