Don't Know What To Write In Your Book?

Mar 23, 2023 9:00 am

Peace be upon you,

How are you adjusting to the start of Ramadan?

I hope you find it refreshing and rejuvenating.

I thought to share these simple book ideas with you on what you can write in your book. 

This is just to get your idea muse going and not as a complete book idea on its own.

  • Sharing your personal stories and experiences that show your expertise in a particular area, and how you overcame challenges to get to where you are today.

On this particular tip, I’ve got a rough draft of sharing my journey to writing my first novel, Taken for Granted which became a bestseller. This book shall help a coach or consultant to be aware of the pitfalls of writing a book without hiring a book coach. 

  • You can explain your coaching methodology and how it can help your clients make meaningful changes in their lives.

I did this in my book, Beginner’s Guide to Fiction Writing. The Guide showed my step-by-step methodology to write your book from scratch to a first draft within weeks. As an established coach or consultant, I believe you've got a way you do your things and take your clients from point A to B.

You can create a book from that methodology.

I hope these gems get your writing juices flowing.

If you’ve got any questions, do shoot them to me here.

Watch out for more tips like this in my next mail.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach

PS: My consultation offer is still on the table till the month's end. Get in now before my calendar is full. Register for your slot here.
