Are You My Client?

Feb 12, 2023 9:00 am

Peace be upon you,

I want you to know deeply who I serve and to see if you can see yourself in her.

I help female coaches who want to establish themselves as an authority in their field to be able to write an authority-establishing book. To bring them in front of the ideal client they definitely and desperately need.

Social media is great and awesome but practically anybody can be on social media and put out content, thanks to chatGPT which is readily available to anybody. 

But this person wants to stand out to be different. She's seen someone like Umm Zakiyyah. She's seen people like Na'ima B Robert, Maria Forleo, and Amy Porterfield. 

All of these women have thriving businesses. 

They have amazing courses and programs. They even have their podcast and/or YouTube channels. 

But every single one of them has one thing in common - they all have a book.

It's the book that has established them. 

It's the books that have gotten them known even more than the programs and courses.

People tend to trust people who have written books because somehow the word authority just seems to resonate with 'awesome.'

This person feels like she's been left out. 

She wants to write a book. She knows and believes that she can write a book. 

But somehow it just terrifies her because she sees being an author as a massively daunting task.

She tried to work with a traditional publisher before but they either charge a ridiculous amount of money or they're not exactly what she's looking for. 

They just want to mess up her book and turn it into something else. 

She tried writing a book, but she didn't know how to go about positioning the book and properly pushing it out. 

She has a manuscript that's probably been on her laptop for years and she knows something is stopping her from writing and publishing that book. 

She wants to become an authority. She wants to write that book and needs to work with somebody who knows how to work with people like her. 

Most traditional publishers don't want to work with someone almost unknown even though she's been in her industry for a very long time. They want to work with big names or brands. 

The traditional publisher that wants to work with her is telling her that she needs to cough out ten grand ($10k) to help her publish her book. And she doesn't even know the reasons behind that.

She wants to work with someone who is reasonably priced but who's going to be committed to helping her put her best book out.

I know that if this woman and I have a conversation at a John Maxwell event, I will know exactly who she was because those are the kinds of complaints or concerns that she would have. 

Writing a book is not exactly a money-making priority for her but she knows that it's the next step to getting her to access the kind of opportunities she wants. 

It’ll help her to stand above the noisy crowd and the people in her niche. She knows that it's a step forward to helping her be all that she possibly wants to be.

That's the kind of person I want to work with. 

Someone who's not writing the book just for the money or because it's cool to write a book but because she knows that this is the next step in her career journey. 

That's exactly who I want to work with.

If you can relate to the above description, then you're qualified to work with me.

What are you waiting for? 

Join me and the amazing 66 coaches ad consultants in my free Facebook group community called Published Coaches & Consultants Network (PCCN)where I help and guide you as a female coach or consultant to learn all about the journey to writing and publishing your first and subsequent book(s) through free resources and paid sessions/products.

Join Us Here!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

