The Productive Path™ is open!

Nov 20, 2023 9:01 am


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

Imagine completing your dawn prayers and standing up to the start of a new day.

Holding your to-do list that you prepared the previous night, you're ready to slay the day because you know the most important tasks to focus on, and have the techniques and tools to get the tasks done before 9 am.

As you sit at your desk, a smile widens your lips and you feel calmness descending on you. 

You pick your pen and start writing in your gratitude journal.

I'm grateful to be doing what I love and know best.

I'm grateful for the lives that I'm impacting through my coaching.

I'm grateful for waking up healthy with all my faculties intact.


Another smile graces your lips as you close your eyes to visualize your goals. 

You take in a deep breath through your nose, hold it for seconds and release it through your nose too. You do this several times.

Joy fills your heart with warmth as you say your affirmations. 

Allah loves me.

I am safe.

Allah is with me.

Allah has my back.

You open your eyes after a few minutes of saying your affirmations and set your alarm to a 90-minute time block to tackle the first of your MITs. 

When the alarm goes off, you stand from your chair to walk around your office space, taking a 10 minute break. You repeat the same process three times.  

By 9:30am, you complete all your MITs and are ready to take on any other thing that excites you knowing that you have done the most important tasks for the day.

How would you feel if you could be the person above?

You know that you can achieve that serene state, right?

Joining The Productive Path™ can lead you to a dream day that makes you joyful such that you're at your best version.

It's the second and the final cohort that holds before combining the program with Simply Get Things Done Mastermind, our highly-sought after accountability program. 

Click the button to register now.

Click Here To Join!

Here's what a participant said after the 60 days productivity accountability.


We await you on the inside.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are the 3 ways you can increase your income and achieve your 2023 goals (before it ends) as a coach or consultant:

1. Apply for your Group BCAB (Book Clarity in A Box) Masterclass with me for December 2023. This is where you get a 3-hour session with me in a group setting to create your detailed nonfiction book blueprint. Imagine digging out the gold of your book! Ready to finish 2023 strong? Send your mail through this email. There are only 10 slots available.

2. Book your One on One Book Clarity in A Box - BCAB, a 1 on 1, one-off 2-hour session with me virtually where you walk away with a detailed book blueprint to go ahead and write your book on your own.

3. Join the cohort for January 2024 of our amazing group accountability mastermind, Simply Get Things Done. This is for you if you've got a book project that you need me to kick your bum to achieve on a deadline!😃
