are you still on the fence? 😯

Dec 31, 2023 1:00 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

When you work with me as a member of the Simply Get Things Done™ mastermind, you're sure to experience a transformation like never before and just like my client below.

"I reached out to Rahee during a difficult and transitional period of my life where I had to depend on freelance writing income alone because of health issues. She helped me a great deal both as a writing accountability coach and also as a life coach, a field in which she is also trained. Rahee, who has a warm and open personality, always went the extra mile, checking in on me regularly and holding me accountable in a very sensitive and joyful manner. For anyone needing help and support, whether with your writing or life, I encourage you to work with Rahee."  Amina, Saudi Arabia

You can opt for either a 3-month, 6-month or 12-month subscription mastermind that will help you focus on your 2024 goals or intentions and see them materialise, God willing. Choose whichever subscription level that suits your goals.

What you're getting 😃:

❤ having me to hold you accountable for getting to the finish line of your goal.

❤being a part of a community of like-minded women working on various projects to make an amazing impact as you have fun.

❤having a platform for ideas exchange, help, and networking with other group members.

❤using time-tested productivity habits and resources to get you to your goal's finish line faster.

❤gaining the confidence to take action and make your project come alive.

❤getting simple and easy-to-digest help that you have fun implementing and completing with happiness. 


❤many more experiences that you don't get somewhere else. Yes, I said it! 😃

Let me help you to get started.

Join Here!

To your awesomeness


Your Book/Accountability Coach
