The doors shall close soon.

Dec 19, 2023 9:01 am


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

Are you a female coach who's looking at completing an impactful project in 2024?

Do you have a deadline to meet a goal you've set for yourself in 2024 but need to know how to go about it?

Do you and Ms Procrastination dine every day and you don't get to the finish line of your goal?

Do you have the desire to make an impact but starting and taking the next step is like your shadow eluding you?

Don't worry, I've got you.

When I started writing my book, Taken for Granted, I thought I could do it alone, hence I ignored accountability which was offered to me at a price. 

My mindset at that time was that it was a waste of money to invest in accountability. 

It was a case of penny wise, pounds foolish because it took me from 2016 to 2020 to eventually complete and publish my novel. 🤦‍♀️

I paid for the foolishness in the form of energy, time, and money.

I had to abandon a fifty thousand-word manuscript which was a giant pill to swallow.

This was my experience. Since I've gone through this, I am very appreciative of getting accountability for whatever I want to do in my personal or business life. 

It's easier and it helps me to get things done faster.

Here's what I've got for you;

The Simply Get Things DoneTM (SGTD) accountability mastermind 

What does it entail?

❤You shall have me to hold you accountable for getting to the finish line of your goal.

❤It's about being a part of a community of like-minded women working on various projects to make an amazing impact as you have fun.

❤It's about having a platform for ideas exchange, help, and networking with other group members.

❤It's about using time-tested productivity habits and resources to get you to your goal's finish line faster.

❤It's about gaining the confidence to take action and make your project come alive.

❤It's about getting simple and easy-to-digest help that you have fun implementing and completing with happiness. 

❤It's about many more experiences that you don't get somewhere else. Yes, I said it! 😃

If you've read this post until this point, then I know you really want to experience the feelings of fulfillment and happiness of completing a project that's dear to your heart.

Sign up now and get ready to reach new heights!

Your investment is on a quarterly basis at N35,500 / $71.

Here's the discount offer for the first five (5) people who join now. Use Code: 10%OFF

Click the button to redeem the offer now. 

Count Me In!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach
