Day 21

Sep 18, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

It’s FREE resources day!

Use these free resources to get organized, and productive and take your business or side business and personal life to another height without straining your pocket.


This is where you get loads of free stock images which are royalty free.


As a business, you need to do audio recording and editing of the recording. This free audio recording and editing tool is a must have to record your audio

products or video production.

Scribd for reading

 To be productive, you can't afford not to be a reader. Use my link to sign up and you'll get 60 days free to read as many books as you want. 


Click here to install.

This app helps you to have fun reciting the Qur’an as you gather hasanats and get beautiful reminders to recite Qur’an. I’ve been using it for months now and my recitation has been consistent.


Click here to install.

Prayerly is simply amazing! The app will help you pray Salah early and on time as per the Hadith. A timer starts with each Salah to show you when you’re praying as soon as the prayer enters with a green, a yellow colour for when you pray within the stated time, and a red colour when you pray late.

This ingenuity app has held me accountable to pray early or within stated time.

That's all for today. 

Your task today is to check out the tools and get the ones you need at no cost at all.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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