the doors to register for SGTD ends today?

Dec 31, 2023 9:00 am


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

Are you an established female coach, entrepreneur or consultant who needs to smash her 2024 goals? 


It was seven years ago when I embarked on writing my first novel ever.

The beginning was so rocky that I lost a huge sum to editing a manuscript which had no business going to the professional editor in the first place.

At the end of the day after spending the huge sum, I also ended up dumping the fifty thousand words I had written.

I was gutted!

I had to start all over again after consulting with an award-winning author of multiple books.

The author gave me the missing piece to the jigsaw. 

Ugh! I knew where I had shot myself in the foot.

I refused to take a coach to lead me through the process of writing my book because I felt I could do it alone.

After the consultation, I took less time to complete my first draft. 

You don't need to achieve your goals alone.

You need an amazing community of people who are on the same journey as you - to achieve a seemingly impossible goals.

Being a high achiever doesn't mean you don't need accountability

It simply means you're already amazing, however you need someone to look out for your blindspots which are stopping you from reaching that goal.

I've got that accountability that you've been looking for - Simply Get Things Done

You want to get things done, right? 

Then opt into the circle by clicking on the link below to catch a discount with code 10%OFF.

Click here.

I can't wait for you to accomplish your goals! 

See you on the inside! 

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach.

PS: As bonuses, you get the following when you join 😃:

  1. A recording on how to create your focus for 2024 according to your life's season and,
  2. Recordings of past SGTD sessions for 2023 in the group.