How This Stress Therapist Wrote Her Book In 18 Days!

Jan 30, 2023 9:01 am

Peace be upon you,

, if you thought that it is impossible to write the first draft of your book in 18 days, you clearly have not met Dr Misturah.

Dr Misturah is a Stress Therapist & Spirituality Coach who helps her client to overcome stress in their lives and also helps them in their spiritual journey. She's had the intention to write her book but was on the fence for long and on a lone journey in writing it.

She finally ditched procrastination and finding a perfect timing to start. After joining my program, she wrote her first draft with determination and dedication with my guidance. And it was her first book!

And the beautiful thing about her achievement was that she did this when she had little access to resources and little time with other stuff demanding her attention.

She is now earning passive income from her book as I write this email.

Well, read what she had to say about working with me.


, you shouldn't have to go it alone to achieve your book writing goal or any pending project you want to complete this year.

You can join a community of like-minded women on the journey to making their dreams come true and impacting many with their creativity.

Join me in the Get Things Done mastermind to let us help you get to your goals as fast as possuble so that you can experience that happiness of helping people or yourself with your gift and talent.

I'm in!

It's time to share your gift with the world!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

