do you beat yourself up so much, {{contact.last_name}}?

Aug 07, 2023 2:51 pm

Peace be upon you, . 😃

I hope you had a great start to the new week.

For me, I had a very late night, hence woke up late this morning. Which made me miss my morning walk. 

Sometimes, even when you've got systems in place or a habit nailed, one thing might be an obstacle to disrupt your plan. 

Don't fret. 

Start from where you're and continue with your day without heaping blame on yourself or thrashing yourself with negative words such as;

"I'm so lazy that I couldn't get up early."

"I can't even get one thing right."

"Look at my friend who's making it big and I'm here still behind."

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

For you to develop resilience, you need to have self-compassion and self-love for YOU. 

You need to appreciate YOU.

Don't be the thief of your joy by comparing yourself with others. It isn't fair to YOU. We each have a path for our lives which can never look the same.

After waking up, I made brunch, supervised the kids to do their chores and then planned my biweekly session with my Simply Get Things Doneâ„¢ mastermind which just ended some minutes ago.

Lesson for me: go to bed early to not miss my morning routines. 

Will I go to bed late sometimes? Yes, I will. However, I'm conscious not to make it a habit because it can be detrimental to my health. 

What is the ONE habit that you wish to nail for other parts of your business or personal life to fall into place?

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach.

PS: We're still taking in participants for The Productive Pathâ„¢. Join here:

PPS: You've got just 8 days to join before the door closes and you need to wait for another 3 months to join.

PPPS: Kindly share the link with women who need this offer.
