day 30

Jan 12, 2024 7:00 am

Hello, Productive .

Streamline your choices by establishing routines, creating meal plans, or setting a consistent wardrobe to reduce decision-making fatigue.

I became a minimalist and gave out most of my shoes and designer bags. Doing this has helped me to quickly make a decision on what to wear. Since I now have a few items, it usually takes me a short decision span.

As a mother, I’ve heard this question uncountable times; “What are we eating?” as I’m sure you have also if you're a mother. There's no question that stresses me out than this one. :D

It can be so weary and stressful to decide on what to cook for the family if you don't have a timetable created. 

Your task for today.

What can you streamline in your routines such that you can make a decision as fast as possible and move on to the most important things in your life? List them out and start on one today. 

See you in the next email.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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