{{contact.first_name}}, achieve more with Group Accountability!

May 23, 2023 7:01 am

Peace be upon you,

How would you feel if you can get one or more of the most important goals in your life completed before 2023 ends?

How would your life look like when you accomplish or complete that one goal that has eluded you for months or years?

What would you see when your visualization finally comes to reality exactly as you envisioned it?

When you sit down with these questions, you shall get clear on the next step to take…

The first step is definitely getting a community to achieve these goals with.

Sis H. joined our accountability mastermind at the beginning of this year with the intention to create a habit that serves her spirituality, physically, emotionally, academically, and emotionally.

She's got this to say. 👇


Simply Get Things Done™ - SGTD, a group accountability mastermind, is the ultimate community to collaborate with other female coaches, business owners, and entrepreneurs in a private and secure space where you easily track your progress and get personalized reminders to keep everyone in the group motivated!

And yes, we achieve our goals without anxiety and stress but with confidence and compassion.

Join us for the June cohort through the link.


See you on the unside

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach


PS: Join the June 2023 new intakes of our amazing group accountability mastermind, Get Things Done here. This is for you if you've got a project that you need me to kick your bum to achieve on a deadline!😃
