how do you add value as a brand?

Jul 12, 2023 5:01 pm


Peace be upon you,

You see, I'm someone who loves to see people succeed in whatever endeavor they plan to undertake. When I start something of value, I motivate myself to see it to the finish line. And that has been the way I live my life. It was the same self-motivation that I used to pass my chartered accountant professional examinations some years ago to overcome several obstacles. 


It was also the same energy that I used to create and recently completed a 10-day challenge with my email list community and had the best time of my life creating shifts and transformation for them. 


The idea for the challenge came to me and I went with it because I try as much as possible to give my ideas the chances they deserve. I researched the topic and created the content for the challenge. 


When you create something that adds value to people, they would gush about how it impacted and made them better.  


Through the 10-day challenge, my community received one email daily that shared one simple and easy task to do within ten to twenty minutes. It landed in their inboxes early in the morning which made it easier for them to accomplish before the distractions of the day creeped in to divert their attention. 


What was the result? A focused start to the day to equip them for a productive and energetic day. One participant shared her thoughts with me on the first day of the challenge. 


"I read 10 pages a day anyway so I would've done this, but I loved that I got your email before I got distracted by scrolling through social media. So it meant that I got straight on the case of reading my pages before being distracted by less helpful things. It served as a helpful reminder to start my day with more helpful and productive tasks than mindless scrolling."


I can definitely relate to the scrolling part! It's so time consuming and frustrating when you eventually come out of it hours later.


Can you relate to the scrolling on the social media part? 


What's been your experience? Please indulge me and share yours in the comment section below. 

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

