FINAL call!

Mar 31, 2023 8:01 pm

Peace be upon you,

This is the FINAL call from me to you to jump on the Book Clarity in A Box consultation.

I met Ngozi virtually during a 6-week programme called MBT where several business owners and entrepreneurs use a system to create income for their businesses through the guidance of a coach. It's one fantastic programme to get into. I might write a post on this. Let me know if you want to read this post.

Back to the story...Ngozi and I, along with over thirty other people, landed in the same group where we worked as a team to achieve our income goals. 

She's into the real estate business and wanted to write a book about it. At our session, Ngozi was not sure where to start and what to write because she had many book ideas. When we got into the session, she was able to focus on writing about how not to get scammed when buying a piece of land or acquiring a completed building.

I asked her what she wanted in the introduction, chapter one, and chapter two until the last chapter. She found that the questions brought up the knowledge she wanted to pass across to her readers.

In that session;

📌 we crafted an outline from the mind map she created.

📌 Ngozi picked a deadline to complete her book's first draft and

📌 chunked it down to individual chapter deadlines. Ngozi was able to imagine the possibility of holding her book in her hand after creating her book's blueprint in that one-off session with me. 

She was elated to start writing after our call.

Here's what she said after the session;


Are you like Ngozi who didn't know where to start writing her book?

Or is your book writing still ongoing after five, seven, or ten years?

Or are you still stuck and not clear on the next step in the writing process?

Do you have zillions of book ideas flying in your head like feathers and you’re yet to put ONE down on paper?

If you answer "Yes" to any of the above questions, then I've got your back.

You need a Book Clarity In A Box - BCAB session with me. 

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” ~~Zig Ziglar

Register Here!

See you in the session.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

