Clarity comes with action and tests or trials, {{contact.first_name}}! 🤸‍♀️

Apr 21, 2024 12:25 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

I had a call with a client who is writing her nonfiction book and pushing through with difficulties against a block. 

It occurred to her that the book she was avoiding writing was the exact one the 300 women audience she addressed at the event she gave a keynote speech needed. She mentioned that the present book is safe to write and not as uncomfortable as the first one. 

Sometimes, you just need to take that first step towards the uncomfortable to become comfortable with it. 

After going through the blocks that were holding her back from continuing with writing the first book, she's now ready to double down on it and power through to the end. I pray that Allah makes it easy for her to accomplish. Ameen. Do pray for her too. 

Here's the thing. Sometimes, you need to do the HARD thing for your audience’s benefit to give them the transformation they deserve because you've also been there once upon a time. 

It will be uncomfortable when it's related to traumatic experiences that you might have to relive. But think of it this way. You were once in that situation and someone or something helped you to come out of it. Wouldn't you think it selfish if you're now in the position to help others in the same shoes and you don't?

That's food for thought. 

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: I invite you to join me for the BCAB Masterclass happening on the 25th of April 2024 to get clarity and create the structure for your creative nonfiction book as a Muslimah coach or consultant. The step-by-step process that I shall take you through will blow your mind, bi'dhniLlah. See the flyer for full details. 


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