day 43

Oct 18, 2023 7:01 am


Hello, Productive .

Practice positive self-talk and affirmations to boost confidence, motivation, and productivity.

I have a gratitude/affirmation notebook where I share my daily gratitude and write down affirmations that motivates, grounds and boosts my confidence.

Affirmations below are the ones I often use;

  • Allah is the best of planners.
  • His timing for my life is perfect.
  • I trust Allah. 
  • Allah keeps me safe. I am safe.
  • Allah has planned my dream life for me. I am so blessed.
  • Allah has created me strong.

Your task for today.

List 10 affirmations that inspire and boost your confidence. Pick one to write and say today. And continue to write and say one each day continuously to create a habit of positive self-talk.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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