Communicating On A Human Level.

Nov 30, 2023 11:36 am


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,


I resumed my morning walk yesterday after a 4-day not doing it. I kept busy with the 1 Ummah convention and facilitating a training until Tuesday this week.

My morning walk has become part of my routine for four years. It started with the intention to get fitter and also to help with my high blood pressure. The habit formed quickly and became a part of me. 

Knowing what to do and getting myself educated played a huge role. It has helped me to get back to it fast even when life happens as it did last week.

If you want to create positive habits over time and are not sure where or how to start, The Productive Path, TPP is the sure way to begin.

Join the next and final group for the TPP email accountability program before it goes away forever.

You've got five (5) days to join.

Come join us here. ðŸ‘‡

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Don't miss the opportunity to join TPP this time. Click here to register. Look out for the next email.
