Let me tell you about Three C's and a D {{contact.first_name}}

May 14, 2023 9:21 pm


24 Shawwal 1444 A.H


As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu. How are you?? I hope you have been keeping well. 

Exactly 13days ago, I hosted a webinar on how we can steward our self control to live THE best life and some sources say it was a million dollar class ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Ma shaa Allah!

Special shoutout to the lovely ladies who attended, y'all rock ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜. I pray the lessons stick with you and I forever! Ameen. If you didnโ€™t attend, we donโ€™t do FOMO here, click on the picture below to watch it.

๐ŸŽฅ Stewarding your self control to live the best life


Click here to watch the video

Back to today's letter

While preparing for the webinar, I was thinking to myself; why do I really need to exercise self control when itโ€™s so difficult? After all, I have free will and I can do whatever I like. Then the words in the picture below hit me and I quickly scribbled them in my notes. Let me tell you about the Three C's and a D.



Compensation and 



, self control is a true test of character and inner strength. It is difficult, uncomfortable and goes against our natural desire to have our way as humans, but it is essential in fulfilling our ultimate purpose in life; to please our Creator.

In pleasing our creator, we open avenues to the wonderful compensation of seeing His face and staying in his wonderful abode, Jannah!

What a beautiful reward to look forward to!

Yet to stay focused, we need to know whatโ€™s in it for us. We need to know our final destination and outcome. We must be able to name it, describe it AND FEEL IT. This is how we are motivated to make the necessary sacrifices to reach our ultimate goal.

It is for this reason that Allah in his infinite wisdom constantly reminds us of death and the hereafter, so that it motivate us to "choose" the right path and strengthen our resolve to do the work required to reach our end goal. 

To do the work required, we need to work with our minds, guard our minds, train our minds and trick our minds if need be but most importantly, we need to believe in our minds! We must have deep conviction in our abilities to control ourselves, to make ourselves better, and perform actions that will benefit us in the long run.

, you and I know that doing the right thing or avoiding actions that are bad for us is not the easiest thing to do. Even though motivation inspires the willingness to do beneficial actions, it is an emotion and as such is finite and does not last long.

Instead, what we should focus on is developing positive habits because they provide a concrete foundation that helps us preserve our willpower and encourages consistent positive actions.

, remember that with every intentional strive, we are one step further in our journey to meeting Allah ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ . Every moment of restraint towards good, restraint away from evil and restraint in accepting our Qadr counts!

May Allah make it easy for us to exercise self control. Ameen.



Before you close this email:

, our next session will hold on the 11th of June in shaa Allah and I would really love for you to attend. Weโ€™ll be talking about building positive habits! I have invited three amazing sisters to share what they've learned about building habits, and I believe you'll benefit from what they have to say. 

The registration will be included in my next letter to you in shaa Allah. 

I really want to make sure the session is valuable and addresses the things that are most important to you. I was hoping you could help me out and share some of your struggles with building and sustaining habits. 

It would mean a lot to me if you could reply back with one or two things that you find challenging. Thank you!

Till you read from me again,

Keep striving for the pleasure of your Lord.



p.s: hit reply and share your challenges with building habits
