My levels dropped! {{contact.first_name}}

Mar 10, 2024 10:00 am


10th March 2023/ 29th Shaban 1445 A.H

As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

I hope this email meets you in good spirits. Ramadan Mubarak! 🎉🎉🎉

Subhanallah! I can’t believe the most blessed month is upon us again.  ðŸ¥º 🥺 🥺


, I need you to thank Allah on my behalf as He has been and is always so good to me!


About a month ago, I wrote to you and my message was about prioritising your well-being by taking charge of 2 before 5.


I shared with you how in 2021 I got terribly ill and was diagnosed with a hyperthyroid. I also mentioned how Alhamdulilah I got better.


What I didn’t mention though was at the time of writing to you, my thyroid levels had gotten out of whack again. In the first week of January, I had requested blood work as I suspected my thyroid was acting up, turns out I was right. Intuitively, I knew why, and I am now on a mission to get in within range sans medications.


What is my game plan? Lifestyle medicine!


What does this mean for me in the immediate?

1.        Mindful selection of my food produce

2.        Intentional eating (ensuring I am getting all classes of food nutrient

3.        Conscious food preparation (less fat, less sugar, and more natural spices)

4.        Avoiding cookies! 😅😂 (out of sight, out of mind things)

5.        Deliberate exercise ( walking mostly)

6.        De-stressing (Reading, keeping a regular sleep routine, writing more, keeping in contact with friends more often)

7.        Reviewing products I use on my body and in my home.


Clearly this is working as 2 out of 3 of my levels are back in range. It’s so obvious as I feel so much better than the whole of the last quarter in 2023. Ma shaa Allah! I am not out of the woods yet, but I feel victorious already! I stretched myself and I have won. Periodt!


, it is not my intention to bore you with my health troubles but I do mention it for a reason. Why you might ask? Because in shaa Allah the blessed month of Ramadan will be upon us in about 24hours and often in our bid to maximize the holy month, we may relegate our well-being to the background.

From our already packed schedules and responsibilities to fasting, to the inevitable reduced sleep and the race for good deeds etc we run the risk of experiencing the month as a stressful one. If you can relate, hit reply to this message 😉


While this is manageable for some people, some others are super sensitive, and our bodies react unfavourably. This is why I would be hosting a Ramadan wellness challenge starting 11th March 2023 in shaa Allah. I asked if you ladies would be interested in participating, and quite a number of you said YES.


So here we are. Over the next 30days, I will be sharing low resistance, quick-to-do prompts that focus on boosting your body, mind, and souls' wellbeing during Ramadan and beyond bi ithnillah. Kindly accept this as my formal invitation to join me on this journey of wellness whilst doing our best to please our Lord.


To join our Ramadan Wellness Challenge, simply sign up here to receive daily prompts via email. Alternatively, you can opt to receive prompts via WhatsApp As I wouldn’t want to bug anyone who isn’t interested with emails, you have to sign up to receive the prompts.


The challenge is free and is courtesy of Shopnisabaah, a wellness lifestyle brand that creates the most comfortable modest exercise wear for women.


I look forward to having you join us.


Again, here are the links: Email, What’s App.



To your wellness,



N.B I am soliciting contributions towards a fund to feed fasting Muslims this Ramadan. All proceeds realised by the 15th of March will be donated to Abdu-salaam Abbas Foundation who are looking to provide up to 800 meals for Muslims.

This foundation is special to me as it was set up in honour of my dearest father-in-law. May Allah have mercy on Him. Ameen.

Your generosity will make a meaningful impact during this sacred time. I pray Allah SWT grants you abundant and pure risq. Ameen.

No amount is little; we welcome all with the utmost gratitude.

To donate, use these details:


Alao Sekinat

Access Bank

Jazakillahu khairan khateeran.
