(Corrected date 🙈) :A resource and an invitation for you {{contact.first_name}}

Feb 25, 2024 6:46 pm


25th February 2024/ 15 Sha’ban 1445AH

As salaam alaykum !

I hope you have had a great weekend so far.

As we prepare to welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, I'm excited to share a resource and invitation to help you make the most out of this sacred time bi ithnillah.

For a very long time, I struggled with fully immersing myself in the essence of Ramadan for a myriad of reasons. From health struggles to pregnancies to trying to balance building a business, a family and my other worldly responsibilities. You get the drift 😉

This often left me feeling overwhelmed, deflated, and somewhat disconnected from the spiritual essence of the month. Every time Ramadan came around, I found myself being anxious as I knew how important the month approaching was, yet I was a worried I wouldn’t make the best of it.

From the year 2020, I gradually made changes to how I approached Ramadan. Alhamdulilah, my experiences began to be more positive ones. In particular, the past two years have been great (I pray Allah feels same oh and accepts it from me. Ameen 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼)


On reflection, I attributed this change to a couple of things, some of which I will share here:

1. I changed my mindset around Ramadan. It is not a month created to overwhelm me but rather one created to elevate me. It is a month where even my little is multiplied in many folds.

2. I came to terms with my season of life and accepted that I couldn’t do everything even though I wish I could. Here, I learned to lean more into the power of intentions.

3.I realised people worship differently, some ways of worship were easier for some than others. What did this mean for me? it helped with comparison. I leaned into my strengths in worship; made it the bulk of my routine during Ramadan and added some not so easy but beneficial acts of worship to stretch me.

4.I prioritised my wellness during the month. Trying my best to eat right, move my body as much as I could muster and not neglect things I know nourish my mind and soul.

5.I planned for Ramadan. Many of us are expectant but we just let the holy month creep up on us without planning. I realised I couldn’t go into Ramadan with the exact same routine I had outside of Ramadan. I had to tweak some things to have a flow that kept me at ease.

I can tell you for free that even with all this, resistance happens. You real life is there staring at you particularly if you struggle with a defined routine before Ramadan.

, juggling everything in your life during Ramadan isn’t going to be a walk in a park; but it will be easier for you to navigate because there is barakah in the atmosphere AND you have a plan for practically every minute of your time. That plan is what keeps you grounded and flexible when you need to be.

I always say this, structure grants you flexibility. 

On that note, kindly allow me to invite you to our premier online Ramadan Planning Workshop. It would be holding on Sunday; 3rd of March and I am so very excited for it! If you believe it would be beneficial for you, I do encourage you to join.


Here is what we would go through during the workshop:

  1. Visioning and intention setting
  2. Setting your priorities
  3. Goal setting
  4. Planning
  5. Dealing with resistance.

The overall objective is to help you create your own personalised Ramadan plan.


Click here to learn more about the workshop . As a thank you for being part of my inner circle, I am offering a 20% off. If you want to join us, use any of these links for the discounted payment.

Nigeria payments

Outside Nigeria payment

Registration ends 1st of March.

I would also appreciate if you could share it with a family or friend who may need this. Thank you.


Now, to the free resource. I'm also excited to offer share our Ramadan Wellness Guide with you. This comprehensive guide is packed with practical tips and insights to help you maintain your health and holistic wellness during the month of Ramadan. Whether you're looking for nutrition advice, exercise tips, or stress management techniques, this guide has you covered.

Click here to access your free Ramadan Wellness Guide.


That’s all for today ! If you have any questions about the workshop, please reply to this email and I will be sure to respond.

Till you read from me again.

Allahuma balighna Ramadan!🙏🏼



p.s: don’t relent on praying and donating to our brothers/sisters in Palestine and all over the world experiencing oppression. Especially as the month of mercy approaches.

May Allah keep us safe and enveloped in his overwhelming mercy. Ameen!
