{{contact.first_name}}, in 3 days or less the blessed month will be gone.

Apr 18, 2023 4:01 pm


27th Ramadan 1444A.H

Where did the time go ? Subhanallah, it feels like it was only yesterday Ramadan started. 

As Salam alaykum dearest. I hope this letter meets you in the best of faith and health. As we are striving to make the best of these blessed nights. I truly pray Allah grants us forgiveness and a good decree. Ameen.

As expected, we might have started thinking about what next after Ramadan. The prospects of starting on a clean slate bi ithnillah can be both exciting and daunting. Like me, you might start to worry about how life will go back to normal setting and you may go back to your old ways or how you will find the time to fit in all you desire to do or how you will sustain your newly formed habits.

The question is, is it how much we have to do that’s the problem? do we even need to do so much to lead a khayr filled life?

, I have come to a realization that it’s not necessary all that we have to do that’s the issue but rather an unclear picture of how all the actions we have to do fit together; a loss of sight on the why behind all what we need to do. Most importantly, a mismatch between the time we dedicate to work on them and how we utilize our time. 

To keep me grounded, here are four big picture ideas I would be holding on to as we move through the remainder of the year. In shaa Allah, if it resonates with you, I also hope you carry them with you. 

1. Vision: As an Ummah, we have to get to the point where our religiousity and spirituality isn’t separate from our ‘normal’ lives. We have to move quickly to an integrated life where we are able to truly see every aspect of our lives as an opportunity to worship our creator.

To get to this point, we have to know and constantly remind ourselves the purpose for which we are here on earth and what is required of us. When we are able to see this big picture, we are then able to think of ways that we can make even the tiniest action an act of worship.

This way, we don’t have to constantly wait to carve out special time slots outside of ‘normal day to day’ to perform good deeds. Rather, our lives become a beautiful dance where we can do good deeds such as dhikr, volunteering, keeping ties of kinship and friendship, reflection, character development, charity, seeking knowledge etc as part of our daily living. 

It might seem like a no brainer , but a lot of us are struggling. The way society is currently set up, our upbringing/ environment, and pressure in all its forms and other factors isn’t making it easy for us to get to this point. So for me, by Allahs help, I will keep striving for an integrated life; just the way Allah wants me to experience it. I hope you will do same. 

2. Routine: To have that beautiful integrated life I have painted above, we need to work on how we use our days. How do we merge our roles as daughters, wives, moms, sisters, professionals, home makers, caregivers etc. with our ultimate role as servants of Allah?

By setting up our year cascaded down to our days in a way that allows us live out these roles as best as we can. When drawing up our routine, our servitude to Allah comes first and all other worldly activities should revolve around it. The fact is we all have one form of routine already whether by default or by choice. It is important you pay attention to your routine as it helps you establish consistency and makes you biased to taking action.

What I would love to do and also encourage you to do going forward is to take a critical look at how your life is currently set up and decipher what it’s telling you. Your routine will show you what you are prioritising. In shaa Allah, I hope it’s the right things. If it isn’t, may Allah grant you the courage to change things around.


3. Focus: It’s one thing to have the vision and routine, it’s another thing to use it to your advantage. Setting up the routine can be easy but disciplining yourself to act on what you have laid out is where the real work is.

Distractions in form of material and immaterial things derail us away from our best intentions and deeds; this is where self-control comes in. We have to steward our self control to generate the discipline we require to stay on course. How would you reign in your nafs when it starts playing its' tricks? How would you ensure you use your power of choice to your advantage?


4. Energy: Lastly, the energy we command on a daily basis will play a huge role in how far and well we can go in sustaining our good actions beyond Ramadan. We require positive emotional and mental energy in addition to the obvious, physical energy.

The level of positive energy is largely influenced by our thoughts, emotions, what we consume (through our eyes, ears and mouth), our environment and the people we surround ourselves with. In Ramadan, we have been careful and deliberate about this. Can we resolve to maintain this mindfulness?



, ramadan is a time of positive transformation for millions of people every year and I truly pray that it has been just that for you and your loved ones. Yet, I acknowledge that there tends to be a post Ramadan dip where we struggle to maintain and even improve on the good we have started.

The main culprit is usually our self-discipline and this is why in shaa Allah,  I would be hosting a webinar on the 1st of May, 2023 where I would share what I am learning on how we can steward our self control to live ‘the’ best life.


Sign up here to attend. Would love to have you join in.

Secondly, as I was gathering my thoughts on what to write to you, I got an email from my dear sis Zuliat of Liamanah on time management for busy moms during Ramadan. Whether you are a mom or not, it’s beneficial content that can help us live a maximized life even beyond Ramadan in shaa Allah. Click here to view the short video. 

, I pray the remainder of this month is barakah filled for you and I pray you have a blessed Eid celebration bi ithnillah.




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